Data Schema
For a more detailed representation of vHMML cataloging principles, description practices, and metadata entry, see the Manual for Metadata Entry in vHMML Reading Room.
Manuscript and Print Schema

- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the object
Persistent URL for a vHMML Reading Room object
- rights
Information about rights held in and over the resource
- summary - text
Summarizes the content of an object
- processedBy - varchar(255)
Identifies the institution(s) responsible for creating the metadata
- shelfMark - varchar(255)
The repository's exact identifier for the location of the object within the repository
- commonName - varchar(255)
An established name used to identify famous objects
- conditionNotes - text
Describes the physical condition of the book block
- collation - text
A description of the book's structure; the arrangement of its leaves and quires
- binding - text
Description of the binding, pastedowns, and flyleaves of an object
- bindingDimensionsImported - varchar(255)
Legacy binding dimensions
- bindingWidth - float
The outer dimensions of the binding width measured in centimeters
- bindingHeight - float
The outer dimensions of the binding height measured in centimeters
- bindingDepth - float
The outer dimensions of the binding depth measured in centimeters
- provenance - text
The origin and history of ownership of an object
- bibliography - text
Published information about the object
- notes - text
General notes about the object as a whole
- colophon - text
A note at the end of a manuscript or printed book that may give information about the author, title, scribe (or printer for a printed book), place of production, date of production, sponsor of the copying, or publication
- medium - varchar(255)
The material used to affix text to the support
- foliation - varchar(255)
Describes the modern or contemporary foliation or pagination of an object
- hmmlProjectNumber - varchar(255)
The code prefix and object number of a digital object or the main series number of a microform assigned by HMML
- reproductionNotes - varchar(1000)
Brief description of the quality and/or condition of the object's images
- acknowledgments - varchar(255)
Acknowledges contributors to the metadata
- objectType - varchar(255)
Type of record based on the original object type. Possible values: Not specified, Manuscript, Printed, Manuscript & Print, Archival Material
- accessRestriction - varchar(255)
How a patron can access an object in Reading Room. Possible values: REGISTERED, REGISTERED_ONLY, UNREGISTERED, ON_SITE_ONLY_ORDER_SCAN, ON_SITE_ONLY
- viewableOnline - tinyint(1)
Whether an object is viewable in vHMML Reading Room. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- downloadOption - varchar(100)
Whether an image is downloadable, and if so, at what size. Possible values: No (Cannot download an image), Small (250 px), Medium (500 px), Large (1200 px), All (Can download all sizes)
- ▼externalFacsimileUrls - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the external facsimile URL
- url - text
URL link to an external facsimile of the object
- support - varchar(255)
The writing surface or material upon which a text is written or printed. Possible values: Parchment, Paper, Clay, Fabric, Metal, Papyrus, Stone, Wax, Wood, Other
- ▼country - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the country
- name - varchar(255)
The country where the original object is, or its last known location in the case of collections that have been moved to an unknown location or have been destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- ▼city - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the city
- name - varchar(255)
The city where the original object is, or its last known location in the case of collections that have moved to an unknown location or have been destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- countryId - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the country
- ▼holdingInstitution - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the holding institution
- name - varchar(255)
Institution responsible for more than one repository
- ▼repository - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the repository
- name - varchar(255)
The library or archive or organization where the physical object is located, or was most recently located before being moved to an unknown location or destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- cityId - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the city
- collection
Prefex code for the HMML project number
- captureDateDisplay - date
Date the object was digitized
- ▼surrogateFormat - object
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the surrogate format
- name - varchar(255)
The format of the surrogate of the original object. Possible values: Digital (Color digital images), Microform (Microfilm or microfiche), Scanned Microform (Scanned microfilm or microfiche), Photo print (Photographs or slides)
- ▼alternateSurrogates - array[object]
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the alternate surrogate(s) format
- name - varchar(255)
Another surrogate that exists at HMML and contains a different HMML project number, such as a microfilm of a manuscript that was later re-photographed digitally, or a duplicate microfilm that was donated to or purchased by HMML
- ▼externalBibliographyUrls - array[object]
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the external bibliography URL
- url - text
URL link to an external catalog or major study devoted to the object
- linkText - varchar(500)
Published information about the object
- ▼extents - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this extent
- count - int(6)
The total number of leaves, pages, sheets, or plates an object has
- displayName - varchar(50)
The type of extent. Possible values: Page(s), Leave(s), Plate(s), Sheet(s)
- folioImported - varchar(20)
Legacy extent data
- ▼genres - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this genre
- name - varchar(255)
A category of compostion
- uri - text
Authorized genre URI
- ▼subjects - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this subject
- name - varchar(255)
Library of Congress Authority File subject data
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- ▼features - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this feature
- name - varchar(255)
Select physical attributes of an item
- featuresImported - varchar(255)
Legacy features data
- currentStatus - varchar(50)
The current physical location or status of an object. Possible values: In situ (in the repository), Destroyed, Relocated, Missing, Sold, Unknown
- ▼objectContributors - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor in the object's item
- type - varchar(50)
The object's former owner
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The former owner's name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
- ▼parts - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the part
- type - varchar(30)
Type of the part. Possible values: Manuscript, Printed, or Unknown
- partNumber - int(11)
A sequential number assigned to a set or range of leaves/gatherings within a book block
- partLocation - varchar(100)
The actual location of a part in an object expressed in folios or pages
- supportDimensionsImported - varchar(100)
Legacy support dimensions
- supportImported - varchar(255)
Legacy support imported value
- supportDimensionsWidth - float
The width of the support measured in centimeters
- supportDimensionsHeight - float
The height of the support measured in centimeters
- ▼partContributors - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor in the object's part
- type - varchar(25)
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The contributor name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
- centuries - int(11)
The century or centuries when an object was written or printed
- centuryUncertain - tinyint(1)
Whether century or centuries are provisional. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- cardinalOfOrigin - varchar(100)
The four main directional points of a compass where the object was written or printed
- regionOfOrigin - varchar(100)
The region where the object was written or printed
- cityOfOrigin - varchar(255)
The city where the object was written or printed
- cityOfOriginUncertain - tinyint(1)
Whether the city of origin is certain. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- centuryImported - varchar(255)
Legacy century data
- ymdDateImported - varchar(255)
Legacy precise date data
- datePreciseYear - int(4)
Precise year of the object's creation
- datePreciseMonth - int(2)
Precise month of the object's creation
- datePreciseDay - int(2)
Precise day of the object's creation
- layout - varchar(255)
The layout of a text; the relationship of written or printed space to the ruling pattern and to the blank space on the page
- script - varchar(255)
A style of employing glyphs when writing by hand
- scriptImported - varchar(255)
Legacy script value
- scribe - varchar(255)
A person engaged in the physical writing of books or documents
- support - varchar(255)
The material used to receive the text that makes up an object. Possible values: Parchment, Paper, Clay, Fabric, Metal, Papyrus, Stone, Wax, Wood, Other
- artist - varchar(255)
A person engaged in the artistic decoration of books or documents
- partNotes - text
General notes about the part as a discrete unit within the object, and not about the object or items within the part
- beginDate - int(11)
The earliest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- endDate - int(11)
The latest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- writingSystemImported - varchar(255)
Legacy writing system value
- writingSystem - varchar(255)
The set of glyphs used to represent a given human language in written form
- nativeDatePrecise - varchar(255)
The native date expressed in modern Arabic numerals
- catchwords - tinyint(1)
Whether a catchword is present. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- decoration - mediumtext
A description of the major and minor decoration of an object
- colophonPart - text
A note at the end of a manuscript or printed book that may give information about the author, title, scribe (or printer for a printed book), place of production, date of production, sponsor of the copying, or publication
- countryOfOrigin - varchar(255)
The country where the object was written or printed
- countryOfOriginUncertain - tinyint(1)
Whether the country of origin is certain. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- writingSpaceImported - varchar(255)
Legacy writing space value(s)
- writingSpaceWidth - float
The measured size of the width of the area on the support used to contain the primary text measured in centimeters
- writingSpaceHeight - float
The measured size of the height of the area on the support used to contain the primary text measured in centimeters
- signatures - tinyint(1)
Whether the signature is present. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- font - varchar(255)
The style of type
- editionStatement - varchar(255)
A statement relating to an edition or issue of a publication
- printingStatement - varchar(500)
Records the place, the name of the person or organization responsible for printing/publication, and the date in which the book was issued
- formatStatement - varchar(255)
The signature statement records the physical structure of the book according to the formation, number, and naming of its gatherings, based on the signatures printed at the bottom of certain pages
- foliationImported - varchar(255)
Legacy foliation value
- medium - varchar(255)
The material used to affix text to the support that makes the object
- ▼contents - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the item
- itemNumber - int(11)
A sequential number assigned to a distinct item within a part of an object recorded in Arabic numerals
- itemLocation - varchar(500)
The location of an item in a part expressed in folios or pages
- provisionalTitle - varchar(1000)
The title of an item
- titleNs - varchar(255)
The title of an item in the original non-Roman language
- rubric - varchar(255)
A heading or instruction in a manuscript or printed book that is not part of the main text
- incipit - text
The opening words of a text
- explicit - text
The closing of a textual unit
- itemNotes - text
General notes about the item as a discrete unit within the part, and not about the object or the part
- paginationStatement - varchar(255)
The number of pages or leaves of a volume given according to how this extent is recorded on the piece
- contentsDetail - text
The contents of an item, such as a Bible, Psalter, a Book of Anaphoras, chapters of a book, sections of summa, or other internal contents of a larger item
- alternateTitles - varchar(255)
Used to identify variant titles for major works
- ▼uniformTitle - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this uniform title
- name - varchar(255)
The authorized title form of the Library of Congress and VIAF, and also by HMML for Eastern Christian liturgical texts
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- ▼languages - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this language
- name - varchar(255)
The language(s) used in the item
- ▼contentContributors - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor in the object's item
- type - varchar(25)
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The contributor name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
Archive Schema

- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the object
Persistent URL for a vHMML Reading Room object
- rights
Information about rights held in and over the resource
- summary - text
Summarizes the content of an object
- processedBy - varchar(255)
Identifies the institution(s) responsible for creating the metadata
- shelfMark - varchar(255)
The repository's exact identifier for the location of the object within the repository
- commonName - varchar(255)
An established name used to identify famous objects
- conditionNotes - text
Describes the physical condition of the book block
- collation - text
A description of the book's structure; the arrangement of its leaves and quires
- binding - text
Description of the binding, pastedowns, and flyleaves of an object
- bindingDimensionsImported - varchar(255)
Legacy binding dimensions
- bindingWidth - float
The outer dimensions of the binding width measured in centimeters
- bindingHeight - float
The outer dimensions of the binding height measured in centimeters
- bindingDepth - float
The outer dimensions of the binding depth measured in centimeters
- provenance - text
The origin and history of ownership of an object
- bibliography - text
Published information about the object
- notes - text
General notes about the object as a whole
- colophon - text
A note at the end of a manuscript or printed book that may give information about the author, title, scribe (or printer for a printed book), place of production, date of production, sponsor of the copying, or publication
- medium - varchar(255)
The material used to affix text to the support
- foliation - varchar(255)
Describes the modern or contemporary foliation or pagination of an object
- hmmlProjectNumber - varchar(255)
The code prefix and object number of a digital object or the main series number of a microform assigned by HMML
- reproductionNotes - varchar(1000)
Brief description of the quality and/or condition of the object's images
- acknowledgments - varchar(255)
Acknowledges contributors to the metadata
- objectType - varchar(255)
Type of record based on the original object type. Possible values: Not specified, Manuscript, Printed, Manuscript & Print, Archival Material
- accessRestriction - varchar(255)
How a patron can access an object in vHMML Reading Room
- viewableOnline - tinyint(1)
Whether an object is viewable in vHMML Reading Room. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- downloadOption - varchar(100)
Whether an image is downloadable, and if so, at what size. Possible values: No (Cannot download an image), Small (250 px), Medium (500 px), Large (1200 px), All (Can download all sizes)
- ▼externalFacsimileUrls - array[object]
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the external facsimile URL
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the object
- url - text
URL link to an external facsimile of the object
- support - varchar(255)
The writing surface or material upon which a text is written or printed. Possible values: Parchment, Paper, Clay, Fabric, Metal, Papyrus, Stone, Wax, Wood, Other
- ▼country - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the country
- name - varchar(255)
The country where the original object is, or its last known location in the case of collections that have been moved to an unknown location or have been destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- ▼city - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the city
- name - varchar(255)
The city where the original object is, or its last known location in the case of collections that have moved to an unknown location or have been destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- countryId - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the country
- ▼holdingInstitution - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the holding institution
- name - varchar(255)
Institution responsible for more than one repository
- ▼repository - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the repository
- name - varchar(255)
The library or archive or organization where the physical object is located, or was most recently located before being moved to an unknown location or destroyed
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- cityId - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the city
- collection
Prefex code for the HMML project number
- captureDateDisplay - date
Date the object was digitized
- ▼surrogateFormat - object
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the surrogate format
- name - varchar(255)
The format of the surrogate of the original object. Possible values: Digital (Color digital images), Microform (Microfilm or microfiche), Scanned Microform (Scanned microfilm or microfiche), Photo print (Photographs or slides)
- ▼alternateSurrogates - array[object]
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the alternate surrogate(s) format
- name - varchar(255)
Another surrogate that exists at HMML and contains a different HMML project number, such as a microfilm of a manuscript that was later re-photographed digitally, or a duplicate microfilm that was donated to or purchased by HMML
- ▼externalBibliographyUrls - array[object]
- id - int(11)
A unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the external bibliography URL
- url - text
URL link to an external catalog or major study devoted to the object
- linkText - varchar(500)
Published information about the object
- ▼extents - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this extent
- count - int(6)
The total number of leaves, pages, sheets, or plates an object has
- displayName - varchar(255)
The type of extent. Possible values: Page(s), Leave(s), Plate(s), Sheet(s)
- folioImported - varchar(20)
Legacy extent data
- ▼genres - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this genre
- name - varchar(255)
A category of compostion
- uri - text
Authorized genre URI
- ▼subjects - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this subject
- name - varchar(255)
Library of Congress Authority File subject data
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- ▼features - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this feature
- name - varchar(255)
Select physical attributes of an item
- featuresImported - varchar(255)
Legacy features data
- currentStatus - varchar(50)
The current physical location or status of an object. Possible values: In situ (in the repository), Destroyed, Relocated, Missing, Sold, Unknown
- ▼objectContributors - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor in the object's item
- type - varchar(50)
The object's former owner
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The former owner's name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
- archivalid - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the archival data object
- collectionFond - varchar(500)
A group of materials with some unifying characteristic
- series - varchar(500)
A group of similar records that are arranged according to a filing system and that are related as the result of being created, received, or used in the same activity; a file group; a record series
- subSeries - varchar(500)
A body of documents within a series readily distinguished from the whole by filing arrangement, type, form, or content
- subSubSeries - varchar(500)
A body of documents within a sub series readily distinguished from the whole by filing arrangement, type, form, or content
- containerType - varchar(50)
A package or housing used to hold materials
- containerCount - int(4)
The number of container(s)
- title - varchar(500)
A word or phrase that identifies a work
- creator - varchar(100)
The individual, group, or organization that is responsible for something's production, accumulation, or formation
- scopeContent - text
A narrative statement summarizing the characteristics of the described materials
- historicalNote - text
A concise summary of the sections of a work
- custodialHistory - text
The succession of offices, families, or persons who held materials from the moment they were created
- support - varchar(255)
The material used to receive the text that makes up an object. Possible values: Parchment, Paper, Clay, Fabric, Metal, Papyrus, Stone, Wax, Wood, Other
- datePreciseYear - int(4)
Precise year of the object's creation
- datePreciseMonth - int(2)
Precise month of the object's creation
- datePreciseDay - int(2)
Precise day of the object's creation
- beginDate - int(2)
The earliest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- endDate - int(2)
The latest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- nativeDate - varchar(255)
The native date expressed in modern Arabic numerals
- decoration - varchar(1000)
A description of the major and minor decoration of an object
- centuryImported - varchar(255)
Legacy century data
- centuries - int(11)
The century or centuries when an object was written or printed
- centuryUncertain - tinyint(1)
Whether century or centuries are provisional. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- ▼languages - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this language
- name - varchar(255)
The language(s) used in the item
- writingSystem - varchar(255)
The set of glyphs used to represent a given human language in written form
- ▼associatedNames - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this associated name
- type - varchar(25)
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The associated name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
- ▼contents - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for the item
- ▼languages - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this language
- name - varchar(255)
The language(s) used in the item
- ▼contentContributors - array[object]
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this associated name
- type - varchar(25)
- nameNs - varchar(255)
The associated name in the original non-Roman language
- ▼contributor - object
- id - int(11)
Unique vHMML Reading Room system id for this contributor
- name - varchar(255)
Name of the contributor
- authorityUriLC - text
Library of Congress authority file URI
- authorityUriVIAF - text
VIAF authority file URI
- displayName - varchar(255)
Display name of the contributor
- type - varchar(30)
Type of record based on the original object type. Possible values: Not specified, Manuscript, Printed, Manuscript & Print, Archival Material
- folder - int(5)
A sheet of cardboard or heavy paper stock that is used as a loose cover to keep documents and other flat materials together, especially for purposes of filing
- item - int(5)
A thing that can be distinguished from a group and that is complete in itself
- extent - varchar(100)
An description of the physical quantity of the material described
- description - text
A word, phrase, or group of characters representing a distinct unit of information that forms part of an area of formal description
- datePreciseYear - int(4)
Precise year of the object's content creation
- datePreciseMonth - int(2)
Precise month of the object's content creation
- datePreciseDay - int(2)
Precise day of the object's content creation
- nativeDate - varchar(255)
The native date expressed in modern Arabic numerals
- beginDate - int(2)
The earliest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- endDate - int(2)
The latest year when an object was created regardless of whether or not it was in the same year
- support - varchar(255)
The material used to receive the text that makes up an object. Possible values: Parchment, Paper, Clay, Fabric, Metal, Papyrus, Stone, Wax, Wood, Other
- supportDimensionsWidth - float
The width of the support measured in centimeters
- supportDimensionsHeight - float
The height of the support measured in centimeters
- medium - varchar(255)
The material used to affix text to the support that makes the object
- pageLayout - varchar(255)
The design in the arrangement of visual elements on a page
- centuries - int(11)
The century or centuries when an object was written or printed
- centuryUncertain - tinyint(1)
Whether century or centuries are provisional. Possible values: 0 (false), 1 (true)
- spanOfFolios - varchar(255)
The actual location of a part in an object expressed in folios or pages
- notes - text
General notes about the object as a whole
- bibliography - text
Published information about the item
- script - varchar(255)
A style of employing glyphs when writing by hand
- writingSystem - varchar(255)
The set of glyphs used to represent a given human language in written form