Country | Austria VIAF |
City | Salzburg VIAF |
Repository | Erzabtei St. Peter. Bibliothek VIAF |
Shelfmark | Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis a XI 11 |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 231 page(s) |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Language(s) | Latin |
Genre(s) | Commentaries; Correspondence; Sermons |
Notes |
Folio |
Ext. Bibliography |
Augustin Jungwirth, Katalog der Handschriften des Stiftes St. Peter in Salzburg (unpublished manuscript, 1910-1912) |
HMML Proj. Num. |
10272 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/10594 |
Processed By | HMML |
Surrogate Format | Microform |
Access Restrictions | On-site only or order a scan |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 231 page(s) |
Type | Manuscript |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Year Range | 1300-1400 |
Writing System | Roman |
Item Location | pages 1-24 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Tractatus super psalmo: Qui habitat |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Sermones in Quadragesima de psalmo "Qui habitat" VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Considero laborem vestrum fratres |
Item Location | pages 24-29 |
Title | Notabilia de quibusdam versibus psalmi: Beatus vir |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Beatus vir qui non . . . Pii sunt qui in deum |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 30-47 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Tractatus super Missus est |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Homiliae in laudibus Virginis Matris VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Scribere me aliquid et deuocio iubet |
Item Location | pages 48-52 |
Title | Homiliae de resurrectione Domini |
Associated Name | Origen, approximately 184-approximately 254 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Maria stabat ad monumentum . . . Audiuimus fratres Mariam |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Origen |
Item Location | pages 53-99 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Notabilia de Canticis canticorum et aliis passibus Sacrae Scripturae |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Sermones super Cantica Canticorum VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Osculetur me osculo . . . Tria sunt oscula |
Item Location | pages 99-102 |
Title | Sermo ad monachos suos contra temptationem |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | In via sumus fratres que ducit ad vitam |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 102-125 |
Title | De verbis evangelii: Ecce reliquimus omnia |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Ut tibi dilectissime presentes |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 126-155 |
Author | William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot, approximately 1085-1148? VIAF |
Title | Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei |
Uniform Title | William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot of Saint-Thierry, approximately 1085-1148? De vita solitaria VIAF |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Misericors et miserator dominus |
Item Notes |
Attributed also to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 155-160 |
Title | Dicta de passione Domini |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Manswetus super asinam postea super pullum |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 160-162 |
Title | Sermo de passione Domini |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Respice domine in faciem cristi tui qui tibi |
Item Location | pages 162-168 |
Title | Sermo de passione Domini de evangelio quod ihesus erat XII annorum |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | In illo tempore cum factus esset . . . Petis a me karissime |
Item Location | pages 169-182 |
Title | Meditationes |
Uniform Title | Meditationes de interiori homine VIAF |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Multi multa sciunt et semetipsos nesciunt |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 188-231 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Liber de consideratione ad Eugenium papam |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. De consideratione VIAF |
Associated Name | Eugene III, Pope, -1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Subit animum dictare aliquid quod te papa |
Country | Austria VIAF |
City | Salzburg VIAF |
Repository | Erzabtei St. Peter. Bibliothek VIAF |
Shelfmark | Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis a XI 11 |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 231 page(s) |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Language(s) | Latin |
Genre(s) | Commentaries; Correspondence; Sermons |
Notes |
Folio |
Ext. Bibliography |
Augustin Jungwirth, Katalog der Handschriften des Stiftes St. Peter in Salzburg (unpublished manuscript, 1910-1912) |
HMML Proj. Num. |
10272 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/10594 |
Processed By | HMML |
Surrogate Format | Microform |
Access Restrictions | On-site only or order a scan |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 231 page(s) |
Type | Manuscript |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Year Range | 1300-1400 |
Writing System | Roman |
Item Location | pages 1-24 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Tractatus super psalmo: Qui habitat |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Sermones in Quadragesima de psalmo "Qui habitat" VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Considero laborem vestrum fratres |
Item Location | pages 24-29 |
Title | Notabilia de quibusdam versibus psalmi: Beatus vir |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Beatus vir qui non . . . Pii sunt qui in deum |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 30-47 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Tractatus super Missus est |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Homiliae in laudibus Virginis Matris VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Scribere me aliquid et deuocio iubet |
Item Location | pages 48-52 |
Title | Homiliae de resurrectione Domini |
Associated Name | Origen, approximately 184-approximately 254 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Maria stabat ad monumentum . . . Audiuimus fratres Mariam |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Origen |
Item Location | pages 53-99 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Notabilia de Canticis canticorum et aliis passibus Sacrae Scripturae |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. Sermones super Cantica Canticorum VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Osculetur me osculo . . . Tria sunt oscula |
Item Location | pages 99-102 |
Title | Sermo ad monachos suos contra temptationem |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | In via sumus fratres que ducit ad vitam |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 102-125 |
Title | De verbis evangelii: Ecce reliquimus omnia |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Ut tibi dilectissime presentes |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 126-155 |
Author | William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot, approximately 1085-1148? VIAF |
Title | Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei |
Uniform Title | William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot of Saint-Thierry, approximately 1085-1148? De vita solitaria VIAF |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Misericors et miserator dominus |
Item Notes |
Attributed also to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 155-160 |
Title | Dicta de passione Domini |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Manswetus super asinam postea super pullum |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 160-162 |
Title | Sermo de passione Domini |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Respice domine in faciem cristi tui qui tibi |
Item Location | pages 162-168 |
Title | Sermo de passione Domini de evangelio quod ihesus erat XII annorum |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | In illo tempore cum factus esset . . . Petis a me karissime |
Item Location | pages 169-182 |
Title | Meditationes |
Uniform Title | Meditationes de interiori homine VIAF |
Associated Name | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Multi multa sciunt et semetipsos nesciunt |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux |
Item Location | pages 188-231 |
Author | Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 VIAF |
Title | Liber de consideratione ad Eugenium papam |
Uniform Title | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153. De consideratione VIAF |
Associated Name | Eugene III, Pope, -1153 VIAF |
Language(s) | Latin |
Incipit | Subit animum dictare aliquid quod te papa |
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