0 CE - 2025 CE
At the request of our partners, this object's IIIF manifest URL requires registration to view in vHMML Reading Room.
Country Turkey Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Diyarbakır Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Meryem Ana Kilisesi Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 442 page(s)
Century(ies) 20th century
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac; Turkish Garshuni
Genre(s) Liturgical books (Eastern Christian)
HMML Proj. Num.

DIYR 00270

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/124558
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Grigory Kessel
Surrogate Format Digital
Capture Date 2008/08/12
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 442 page(s)

xi + 442 + xix

Binding Dimensions 24 x 16.5 x 4 cm
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 20th century
Year Range 1931-1935
Support Paper
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto
Scribe Jacob (Archdeacon), son of Joseph

Colophon on pages 133, 410, 441, 442

Title Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, Sedrē, prooemia
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac; Turkish Garshuni
Title Short Anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Abraham Naḥshirtana
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Dīonīsīūs bar Ṣalībī
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Ḥarran, Ḥabur and Nisibis
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of John bar Shushan
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Joint anaphora
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Proclus of Byzantiurm
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Julius of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Peter, the head of the Apostles
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Vigil for Mary
Title NS ܟܬܐܒ ܐܠܣܗܪܐܢܗ̈ ܥܠܝ ܣܬܢܐ ܡܪܝܡ ܐܠܥܕܪܝ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Julius of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Mushe bar Kepha
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Lazarus bar Sabta
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Edessa
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of the Patriarch Bar Wahib
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Prayers
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Author Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Commentary on the liturgy
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Prayers
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Serugh
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings; Anaphora of John the Evangelist
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings; Anaphora of Patriarch Bar Wahib
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Country Turkey Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Diyarbakır Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Meryem Ana Kilisesi Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 442 page(s)
Century(ies) 20th century
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac; Turkish Garshuni
Genre(s) Liturgical books (Eastern Christian)
HMML Proj. Num.

DIYR 00270

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/124558
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Grigory Kessel
Surrogate Format Digital
Capture Date 2008/08/12
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 442 page(s)

xi + 442 + xix

Binding Dimensions 24 x 16.5 x 4 cm
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 20th century
Year Range 1931-1935
Support Paper
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto
Scribe Jacob (Archdeacon), son of Joseph

Colophon on pages 133, 410, 441, 442

Title Readings from the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, Sedrē, prooemia
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac; Turkish Garshuni
Title Short Anaphora of Jacob, the Lord's Brother
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Abraham Naḥshirtana
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Dīonīsīūs bar Ṣalībī
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Ḥarran, Ḥabur and Nisibis
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Eustathius of Antioch
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of John bar Shushan
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Joint anaphora
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Matthew the Pastor
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Proclus of Byzantiurm
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Xystus of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Julius of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Peter, the head of the Apostles
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Vigil for Mary
Title NS ܟܬܐܒ ܐܠܣܗܪܐܢܗ̈ ܥܠܝ ܣܬܢܐ ܡܪܝܡ ܐܠܥܕܪܝ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Julius of Rome
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Mushe bar Kepha
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Lazarus bar Sabta
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Edessa
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Anaphora of the Patriarch Bar Wahib
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Syriac
Title Prayers
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Author Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Commentary on the liturgy
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Prayers
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Jacob of Serugh
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Anaphora of Marutha of Tagrit
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Philoxenus of Mabbug
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Title Anaphora of Mark the Evangelist
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings; Anaphora of John the Evangelist
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
Title Readings; Anaphora of Patriarch Bar Wahib
Uniform Title Qúrbānā (Syriac Rite, Western)
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni; Syriac
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