0 CE - 2025 CE
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Country Ethiopia Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Tegrāy Province Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Endā Abbā Garimā Monastery
Common Name Abbā Garimā Gospels 2
Current Status Unknown
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 173 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 6th-10th century (?)
Language(s) Ge'ez
Genre(s) Gospels; Bibles
Feature(s) Canon table(s); Decoration, Architectural; Illumination; Miniature(s)

Folio inserted into codex: fol. 6 is a leaf from another manuscript (possibly the same as that represented by fol. 170 in Abbā Garimā Gospels 1, see HMML project number AG 00001), containing the end of the synoptic presentation concerning the agreement of the Gospels on the recto and a miniature of Matthew on the verso


Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice: The Synoptic Gospels. General Introduction - Edition of the Gospel of Mark, in Äthiopistische Forschungen 27 (1989); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice. Part III: The Gospel of Matthew, in Aethiopistische Forschungen 55 (2001); Michael G. Wechsler, Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum, in CSCO 617 (2005)

Ext. Bibliography

Getatchew Haile, "The Marginal Notes in the abba Gärima Gospels," Aethiopica 19 (2016): 7-26

Ext. Bibliography

William F. Macomber, "Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts... from microfilms in the collection of Dr. Donald Davies...," (unpublished manuscript, 1979), 5-8

Alt. Surrogate SEP DAVIES 00001
HMML Proj. Num.

AG 00002

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/132897
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Ted Erho
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 173 leaf(ves)

Decorated metal over wood boards, partially covered with leather; central panel with Cross front and back; metal overlay at rear broken, with bottom half missing. Misbound: fol. 1 should follow fol. 5 and fol. 86 should follow fol. 87, fol. 86 bound in reversed.

Condition Notes

Imperfect: wanting leaves at end, before fol. 2, and after fol. 9 and 169, as well as either before or after fol. 83; leaf deterioration with some loss of text

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 1r-5v, 7r-173v
Century(ies) 6th-10th century (?)
Year Range 500-1000
Support Parchment
Support Dimensions 33.2 x 25.4 cm
Page Layout 2 columns, 27 lines per page
Writing System Ethiopic

Miniature of Matthew on fol. 1v; miniature of a palace on fol. 5v; miniature of Matthew (insertion) on fol. 6v; miniature of Mark on fol. 51v; miniature of Luke on fol. 83v; miniature of John on fol. 138v; decorated canon tables on fol. 2v-5r; architectural decoration on fol. 2r; circular design on fol. 1r


Plea to remember Zēnā Ḥawāryāt and his wife Amata Ṣeyon and celebrate their commemoration, fol. 1r; confirmation of land grants belonging to Abbā Garimā by Emperor Śarḍa Dengel together with an order to rebuild the monastery, fol. 1r; record of donations of plows, grain, and other items by various officials, fol. 1r; gift of lands to Abbā Garimā by Emperor Gabra Masqal, who also (re)built the church, restored all prior land grants, and gave various garments for his commemoration, fol. 8v; notice of the redirection of tax revenue to the monks by Emperor Baʼeda Māryām in 1476/7 CE, along with details for the correct celebration of his commemoration, fol. 8v; notice of the exemption of an abbot's house of guards from taxes, fol. 8v; notation of 60 books and 24 shirts, fol. 51r; donation of the land of Aḫāḥaylē by Emperor Yesḥaq to Dabra Sinā Māryām in 1414/5 CE, fol. 137v; account and decision of a juridical proceeding before Emperor Aṣnāfa Sagad (Galāwdewos) regarding the appointment of a nebura ed to Abbā Garimā monastery, fol. 138r, 137v

Item Location fol. 1r-5v, 7r-173v
Title Gospels
Uniform Title Bible. Gospels Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Contents Detail

Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus (acephalous), fol. 2r; Eusebian canons, fol. 2v-5r; tituli for Matthew, fol. 7r-8r; Gospel of Matthew 1:1-18, 5:48-28:20, fol. 9r-51r; tituli for Mark, fol. 52rv; Gospel of Mark, fol. 53r-82v; Gospel of Luke, fol. 84r-137r; tituli for John, fol. 138r; Gospel of John 1:1-15:18, 16:14-18:33, fol. 139r-173v

Country Ethiopia Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Tegrāy Province Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Endā Abbā Garimā Monastery
Common Name Abbā Garimā Gospels 2
Current Status Unknown
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 173 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 6th-10th century (?)
Language(s) Ge'ez
Genre(s) Gospels; Bibles
Feature(s) Canon table(s); Decoration, Architectural; Illumination; Miniature(s)

Folio inserted into codex: fol. 6 is a leaf from another manuscript (possibly the same as that represented by fol. 170 in Abbā Garimā Gospels 1, see HMML project number AG 00001), containing the end of the synoptic presentation concerning the agreement of the Gospels on the recto and a miniature of Matthew on the verso


Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice: The Synoptic Gospels. General Introduction - Edition of the Gospel of Mark, in Äthiopistische Forschungen 27 (1989); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice. Part III: The Gospel of Matthew, in Aethiopistische Forschungen 55 (2001); Michael G. Wechsler, Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum, in CSCO 617 (2005)

Ext. Bibliography

Getatchew Haile, "The Marginal Notes in the abba Gärima Gospels," Aethiopica 19 (2016): 7-26

Ext. Bibliography

William F. Macomber, "Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts... from microfilms in the collection of Dr. Donald Davies...," (unpublished manuscript, 1979), 5-8

Alt. Surrogate SEP DAVIES 00001
HMML Proj. Num.

AG 00002

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/132897
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Ted Erho
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 173 leaf(ves)

Decorated metal over wood boards, partially covered with leather; central panel with Cross front and back; metal overlay at rear broken, with bottom half missing. Misbound: fol. 1 should follow fol. 5 and fol. 86 should follow fol. 87, fol. 86 bound in reversed.

Condition Notes

Imperfect: wanting leaves at end, before fol. 2, and after fol. 9 and 169, as well as either before or after fol. 83; leaf deterioration with some loss of text

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 1r-5v, 7r-173v
Century(ies) 6th-10th century (?)
Year Range 500-1000
Support Parchment
Support Dimensions 33.2 x 25.4 cm
Page Layout 2 columns, 27 lines per page
Writing System Ethiopic

Miniature of Matthew on fol. 1v; miniature of a palace on fol. 5v; miniature of Matthew (insertion) on fol. 6v; miniature of Mark on fol. 51v; miniature of Luke on fol. 83v; miniature of John on fol. 138v; decorated canon tables on fol. 2v-5r; architectural decoration on fol. 2r; circular design on fol. 1r


Plea to remember Zēnā Ḥawāryāt and his wife Amata Ṣeyon and celebrate their commemoration, fol. 1r; confirmation of land grants belonging to Abbā Garimā by Emperor Śarḍa Dengel together with an order to rebuild the monastery, fol. 1r; record of donations of plows, grain, and other items by various officials, fol. 1r; gift of lands to Abbā Garimā by Emperor Gabra Masqal, who also (re)built the church, restored all prior land grants, and gave various garments for his commemoration, fol. 8v; notice of the redirection of tax revenue to the monks by Emperor Baʼeda Māryām in 1476/7 CE, along with details for the correct celebration of his commemoration, fol. 8v; notice of the exemption of an abbot's house of guards from taxes, fol. 8v; notation of 60 books and 24 shirts, fol. 51r; donation of the land of Aḫāḥaylē by Emperor Yesḥaq to Dabra Sinā Māryām in 1414/5 CE, fol. 137v; account and decision of a juridical proceeding before Emperor Aṣnāfa Sagad (Galāwdewos) regarding the appointment of a nebura ed to Abbā Garimā monastery, fol. 138r, 137v

Item Location fol. 1r-5v, 7r-173v
Title Gospels
Uniform Title Bible. Gospels Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Contents Detail

Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus (acephalous), fol. 2r; Eusebian canons, fol. 2v-5r; tituli for Matthew, fol. 7r-8r; Gospel of Matthew 1:1-18, 5:48-28:20, fol. 9r-51r; tituli for Mark, fol. 52rv; Gospel of Mark, fol. 53r-82v; Gospel of Luke, fol. 84r-137r; tituli for John, fol. 138r; Gospel of John 1:1-15:18, 16:14-18:33, fol. 139r-173v

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