0 CE - 2025 CE

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Country Ethiopia Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Tegrāy Province Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Gunda Gundē Monastery Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark C3-IV-154
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 98 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 18th century (?)
Language(s) Ge'ez
Genre(s) Sermons

Schneider, no. 67


Antonio Mordini, "Il convento di Gunde Gundiè," Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 12 (1953): 50 (probably no. 122); Maurice Gaguine, “The Falasha Version of the Testaments of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: A Critical Study of Five Unpublished Ethiopic Manuscripts with Introduction, Translation and Notes” (PhD diss.; University of Manchester, 1965), p. 5-6; André Caquot, “Une homélie éthiopienne attribuée à Saint Mari Éphrem sur le séjour d’Abraham et Sara en Égypte,” in Mélanges Antoine Guillaumont, Cahiers d’orientalisme 20 (1988), p. 173-85; Martin Heide, Die Testamente Isaaks und Jakobs, in Aethiopistische Forschungen, no. 56 (2000); Martin Heide, Das Testament Abrahams, in Aethiopistische Forschungen, no. 76 (2012); Ted Erho, “New Ethiopic Witnesses to some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 76 (2013): 93

HMML Proj. Num.

GG 00016

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/133110
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Digitized by Ewa Balicka-Witakowska and Michael Gervers. Cataloged by Ted Erho
Surrogate Format Digital
Capture Date 2006/10/31
Access Restrictions Unregistered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 98 leaf(ves)

Wooden boards. Misbound: fol. 29-36 should follow fol. 52

Binding Dimensions 11 x 10 x 5.7 cm

Comissioned by Zawalda Māryām, fol. 5r, 147v

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 5r-97r
Century(ies) 18th century (?)
Year Range 1700-1800
Support Parchment
Page Layout 1 column, 13-17 lines per page
Writing System Ethiopic
Item Location fol. 5r-20v
Title Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt
Associated Name Ephrem, of Nisibis, 303-373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ድርሳን ፡ ዘይቤ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ ማሪ ፡ ኤፍሬም ፡ ሶርያዊ ። በእንተ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ አበ ፡ አበው ፡ ዓርከ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወበእንተ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ብእሲቱ ። እንበይነ ፡ በዓቶሙ ፡ ምድረ ፡ ግብጽ… እስመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ይትባረክ ፡ ስሙ ፡ ወይትሌዓል ፡ ዝክሩ ፡ ፈድፋደ ። ግብሩ ፡ ወልማዱ ፡ ከመ ፡ ያሜክር ፡ ኄራነ ፡ ወእኩያነኒ ፡ ዓዲ…
Item Location fol. 21r-28v, 37r-47v
Title Testament of Abraham
Title NS ገድለ ፡ አብርሃም
Uniform Title Testament of Abraham Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝውእቱ ፡ ፍልሰቶሙ ፡ ወፀአቶሙ ፡ ለአበው ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወያዕቆብ… ወሶበ ፡ ቀርበ ፡ ወበጽሐ ፡ መዋዕለ ፡ አቡነ ፡ አብርሃም ። ፈነወ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ኃቤሁ ፡ ሚካኤልሃ ፡ ሊቀ ፡ መላእክት ፡ ቅዱሳን ፡ ከመ ፡ ያዑቆ ፡ ጥበበ ፡ ፀአቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ…
Item Location fol. 29r-36v, 48r-58r
Title Testament of Isaac
Title NS ገድለ ፡ ይስሐቅ
Uniform Title Testament of Isaac Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝንቱ ፡ ዕረፍቱ ፡ ለአብ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወፍልሰቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ ፡ አመ ፡ ፳ወ፰ዕለት ፡ እምነሐሴ ። ሰላመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይከድን ፡ ለኵልነ ፡ አሜን ። ወአሜን ። አብሰ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ጸሐፈ ፡ ትእዛዞ ፡ ወረሰየ ፡ ነገሮ ፡ ትአምርተ ፡ ለወልዱ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወለኵሉ ፡ ዘይትለጸቅ…
Item Notes

Order is fol. 48r-52v, 29r-36v, 53r-58r

Item Location fol. 58v-74r
Title Testament of Jacob
Title NS ገድለ ፡ ያዕቆብ
Uniform Title Testament of Jacob Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝውእቱ ፡ ዕረፍቱ ፡ ለአቡነ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ዘተሰምየ ፡ እስራኤል ። ወፍልሰቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ ፡ አመ ፡ ፳ወ፰ ፡ ለወርኃ ፡ ነሐሴ ። ሰላመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይከድን ፡ ለኵልነ ፡ አሜን ። ወሶበ ፡ ቀርበት ፡ ወበጽሐት ፡ መዋዕለ ፡ አቡነ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ አበ ፡ አበው ፡ ወልደ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወልደ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ከመ ፡ ይፍልስ ፡ እምሥጋሁ…
Item Location fols. 74v-80v
Title Image of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ሰላም ፡ ለዝክረ ፡ ሰምክሙ ፡ ዘእምቅድመ ፡ ዓለም ፡ ኅሩይ ። ወለሥዕርትክሙ ፡ ሰላም ፡ በቅብዓ ፡ ሃይማኖት ፡ ሲሩይ ። አብርሃም ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወያዕቆብ ፡ ምስካይ ። ዘተውህበክሙ ፡ በረከተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ወሰማይ ። ሲሳየ ፡ ዕለት ፡ ሀቡኒ ፡ ለብእሲ ፡ ነዳይ…
Item Location fol. 81v-89v
Title Image of the Church
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ተመርኆተ ፡ ከመ ፡ ቀደመ ፡ እምሐይመተ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወሳራ ። ወትሩፋቲሃ ፡ ተየድዓ ፡ እመልከ ፡ ጼዴቅ ፡ ወዛራ ። ቤተ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ ድኅረ ፡ ንስተተ ፡ ቤት ፡ ወደብተራ ። እግዚአብሔር ፡ ዲበ ፡ ተልፍዮስ ፡ ሳረራ ። ሎቱ ፡ ለባሕቲቱ ፡ ትኵኖ ፡ ለግሙራ…
Item Notes

Chaîne, no. 293

Item Location fol. 89v-90v
Title Greeting to the Church
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ሰለም ፡ ለኪ ፡ ቤተ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ ቅድስት ፡ ቤተ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወሬዛ ። አመ ፡ ሞተ ፡ ለኪ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ለቤዛ ፤ ዘፈረኪ ፡ ፍሬ ፡ መዓዛ ፤ ሰላም ፡ ለኪ ። ዘቀደስኪ ፡ አምላክ ፡ በደመ ፡ ገቦሁ ፡ ፀዓዳ…
Item Notes

Chaîne, no. 93

Item Location fol. 91r-97r
Author Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately 370-444 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Homily on religious instruction before baptism
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ትምህርተ ፡ ሃይማኖት ፡ ቅድስት ፡ ዘነበበ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ ቄርሎስ ፡ በውስተ ፡ መጽሐፉ ፡ ዘሰሙ ፡ አርማስ ። ትምህርት ፡ ለንኡስ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ እምቅድመ ፡ ያጥምቅዎሙ ፤ ለእመ ፡ ኢበጽሑ ፡ ኀበ ፡ ፍጻሜ ፡ ፍጹም…
Item Notes

Excerpted from the Haymānota Abaw

Country Ethiopia Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Tegrāy Province Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Gunda Gundē Monastery Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark C3-IV-154
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 98 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 18th century (?)
Language(s) Ge'ez
Genre(s) Sermons

Schneider, no. 67


Antonio Mordini, "Il convento di Gunde Gundiè," Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 12 (1953): 50 (probably no. 122); Maurice Gaguine, “The Falasha Version of the Testaments of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: A Critical Study of Five Unpublished Ethiopic Manuscripts with Introduction, Translation and Notes” (PhD diss.; University of Manchester, 1965), p. 5-6; André Caquot, “Une homélie éthiopienne attribuée à Saint Mari Éphrem sur le séjour d’Abraham et Sara en Égypte,” in Mélanges Antoine Guillaumont, Cahiers d’orientalisme 20 (1988), p. 173-85; Martin Heide, Die Testamente Isaaks und Jakobs, in Aethiopistische Forschungen, no. 56 (2000); Martin Heide, Das Testament Abrahams, in Aethiopistische Forschungen, no. 76 (2012); Ted Erho, “New Ethiopic Witnesses to some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 76 (2013): 93

HMML Proj. Num.

GG 00016

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/133110
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Digitized by Ewa Balicka-Witakowska and Michael Gervers. Cataloged by Ted Erho
Surrogate Format Digital
Capture Date 2006/10/31
Access Restrictions Unregistered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 98 leaf(ves)

Wooden boards. Misbound: fol. 29-36 should follow fol. 52

Binding Dimensions 11 x 10 x 5.7 cm

Comissioned by Zawalda Māryām, fol. 5r, 147v

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 5r-97r
Century(ies) 18th century (?)
Year Range 1700-1800
Support Parchment
Page Layout 1 column, 13-17 lines per page
Writing System Ethiopic
Item Location fol. 5r-20v
Title Homily on Abraham and Sarah in Egypt
Associated Name Ephrem, of Nisibis, 303-373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ድርሳን ፡ ዘይቤ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ ማሪ ፡ ኤፍሬም ፡ ሶርያዊ ። በእንተ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ አበ ፡ አበው ፡ ዓርከ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወበእንተ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ብእሲቱ ። እንበይነ ፡ በዓቶሙ ፡ ምድረ ፡ ግብጽ… እስመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ይትባረክ ፡ ስሙ ፡ ወይትሌዓል ፡ ዝክሩ ፡ ፈድፋደ ። ግብሩ ፡ ወልማዱ ፡ ከመ ፡ ያሜክር ፡ ኄራነ ፡ ወእኩያነኒ ፡ ዓዲ…
Item Location fol. 21r-28v, 37r-47v
Title Testament of Abraham
Title NS ገድለ ፡ አብርሃም
Uniform Title Testament of Abraham Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝውእቱ ፡ ፍልሰቶሙ ፡ ወፀአቶሙ ፡ ለአበው ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወያዕቆብ… ወሶበ ፡ ቀርበ ፡ ወበጽሐ ፡ መዋዕለ ፡ አቡነ ፡ አብርሃም ። ፈነወ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ኃቤሁ ፡ ሚካኤልሃ ፡ ሊቀ ፡ መላእክት ፡ ቅዱሳን ፡ ከመ ፡ ያዑቆ ፡ ጥበበ ፡ ፀአቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ…
Item Location fol. 29r-36v, 48r-58r
Title Testament of Isaac
Title NS ገድለ ፡ ይስሐቅ
Uniform Title Testament of Isaac Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝንቱ ፡ ዕረፍቱ ፡ ለአብ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወፍልሰቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ ፡ አመ ፡ ፳ወ፰ዕለት ፡ እምነሐሴ ። ሰላመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይከድን ፡ ለኵልነ ፡ አሜን ። ወአሜን ። አብሰ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ጸሐፈ ፡ ትእዛዞ ፡ ወረሰየ ፡ ነገሮ ፡ ትአምርተ ፡ ለወልዱ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወለኵሉ ፡ ዘይትለጸቅ…
Item Notes

Order is fol. 48r-52v, 29r-36v, 53r-58r

Item Location fol. 58v-74r
Title Testament of Jacob
Title NS ገድለ ፡ ያዕቆብ
Uniform Title Testament of Jacob Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Salāmā II, Metropolitan of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, -1388 (Translator) VIAF
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ዝውእቱ ፡ ዕረፍቱ ፡ ለአቡነ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ዘተሰምየ ፡ እስራኤል ። ወፍልሰቱ ፡ እምሥጋሁ ፡ አመ ፡ ፳ወ፰ ፡ ለወርኃ ፡ ነሐሴ ። ሰላመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይከድን ፡ ለኵልነ ፡ አሜን ። ወሶበ ፡ ቀርበት ፡ ወበጽሐት ፡ መዋዕለ ፡ አቡነ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ አበ ፡ አበው ፡ ወልደ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወልደ ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ከመ ፡ ይፍልስ ፡ እምሥጋሁ…
Item Location fols. 74v-80v
Title Image of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ሰላም ፡ ለዝክረ ፡ ሰምክሙ ፡ ዘእምቅድመ ፡ ዓለም ፡ ኅሩይ ። ወለሥዕርትክሙ ፡ ሰላም ፡ በቅብዓ ፡ ሃይማኖት ፡ ሲሩይ ። አብርሃም ፡ ይስሐቅ ፡ ወያዕቆብ ፡ ምስካይ ። ዘተውህበክሙ ፡ በረከተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ወሰማይ ። ሲሳየ ፡ ዕለት ፡ ሀቡኒ ፡ ለብእሲ ፡ ነዳይ…
Item Location fol. 81v-89v
Title Image of the Church
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ተመርኆተ ፡ ከመ ፡ ቀደመ ፡ እምሐይመተ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወሳራ ። ወትሩፋቲሃ ፡ ተየድዓ ፡ እመልከ ፡ ጼዴቅ ፡ ወዛራ ። ቤተ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ ድኅረ ፡ ንስተተ ፡ ቤት ፡ ወደብተራ ። እግዚአብሔር ፡ ዲበ ፡ ተልፍዮስ ፡ ሳረራ ። ሎቱ ፡ ለባሕቲቱ ፡ ትኵኖ ፡ ለግሙራ…
Item Notes

Chaîne, no. 293

Item Location fol. 89v-90v
Title Greeting to the Church
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit ሰለም ፡ ለኪ ፡ ቤተ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ ቅድስት ፡ ቤተ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወሬዛ ። አመ ፡ ሞተ ፡ ለኪ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ለቤዛ ፤ ዘፈረኪ ፡ ፍሬ ፡ መዓዛ ፤ ሰላም ፡ ለኪ ። ዘቀደስኪ ፡ አምላክ ፡ በደመ ፡ ገቦሁ ፡ ፀዓዳ…
Item Notes

Chaîne, no. 93

Item Location fol. 91r-97r
Author Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately 370-444 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Homily on religious instruction before baptism
Language(s) Ge'ez
Incipit በስመ ፡ አብ… ትምህርተ ፡ ሃይማኖት ፡ ቅድስት ፡ ዘነበበ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ ቄርሎስ ፡ በውስተ ፡ መጽሐፉ ፡ ዘሰሙ ፡ አርማስ ። ትምህርት ፡ ለንኡስ ፡ ክርስቲያን ፡ እምቅድመ ፡ ያጥምቅዎሙ ፤ ለእመ ፡ ኢበጽሑ ፡ ኀበ ፡ ፍጻሜ ፡ ፍጹም…
Item Notes

Excerpted from the Haymānota Abaw

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