Country |
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Repository | Maktabat Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Manṣūr |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 214 leaf(ves) |
Century(ies) | 17th century |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Genre(s) | Hadith; Legal works |
Feature(s) | Decoration, Geometric; Marginalia |
Notes |
Notes and excerpts, including a reader's note dated Muḥarram 1318 AH (1900 CE), front flyleaves. Folio numbers are approximate |
HMML Proj. Num. |
ZMT 01431 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/144306 |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | The ʻZaydi Manuscript Traditionʼ Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Cataloged by Joshua Mugler |
Surrogate Format | Digital |
Access Restrictions | Registered |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |

Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 214 leaf(ves) |
Provenance |
Copied for صارم الدين ابرهيم بن الحسين; ownership note of ابرهيم بن الحسين بن الحسن بن القسم, fol. 4r; inheritance note of احمد بن الحسين بن الحسن بن امير المومنين, dated Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1100 AH (1689 CE), fol. 4r; purchase note of زيد بن على بن محمد الاكوع, fol. 4r; ownership note of هادى بن محمد, fol. 4r; ownership note of محمد بن هادى, fol. 4r; purchase notes of على بن حسين الديلمى, fol. 4r; purchase note of السيد على ابن عبد الله, dated Rajab 1307 AH (1890 CE), front flyleaf; purchase note of حسين بن احمد بن اسماعيل بن احمد بن يحيى بن الحسن, dated 1374 AH (1955 CE), fol. 4r |
Type | Manuscript |
Place of Origin | Yemen, al-Bayḍāʼ, Ridāʻ |
Century(ies) | 17th century |
Year Range | 1687 |
Date Precise | 1687 February 24 |
Native Date Precise | 12 Rabīʻ al-Thānī 1098 AH |
Support | Paper |
Page Layout | 1 column, 26 lines per page |
Catchwords | Yes |
Writing System | Arabic |
Script(s) | Naskh |
Notes |
Colophon, fol. 214v. Copied at رداع العرش من اعمال المشرق |

Author |
Mutawakkil ʻalá Allāh, Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān, 1106 or 1107-1170 or 1171
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Author NS | المتوكل على الله احمد بن المطهر بن علي |
Title | Uṣūl al-aḥkām fī al-ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām |
Title NS | أصول الاحكام في الحلال والحرام |
Uniform Title |
Mutawakkil ʻalá Allāh, Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān, 1106 or 1107-1170 or 1171. Uṣūl al-aḥkām fī al-ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām
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Alternate Title | Hadith on Zaydī law |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | الحمد لله الكبير المتعال ذي العظمه والجلال والمن والافضال |
Item Notes |
Narrated by Muḥyī al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Qurashī |

Country |
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City |
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Repository | Maktabat Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Manṣūr |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 214 leaf(ves) |
Century(ies) | 17th century |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Genre(s) | Hadith; Legal works |
Feature(s) | Decoration, Geometric; Marginalia |
Notes |
Notes and excerpts, including a reader's note dated Muḥarram 1318 AH (1900 CE), front flyleaves. Folio numbers are approximate |
HMML Proj. Num. |
ZMT 01431 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/144306 |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | The ʻZaydi Manuscript Traditionʼ Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Cataloged by Joshua Mugler |
Surrogate Format | Digital |
Access Restrictions | Registered |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 214 leaf(ves) |
Provenance |
Copied for صارم الدين ابرهيم بن الحسين; ownership note of ابرهيم بن الحسين بن الحسن بن القسم, fol. 4r; inheritance note of احمد بن الحسين بن الحسن بن امير المومنين, dated Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1100 AH (1689 CE), fol. 4r; purchase note of زيد بن على بن محمد الاكوع, fol. 4r; ownership note of هادى بن محمد, fol. 4r; ownership note of محمد بن هادى, fol. 4r; purchase notes of على بن حسين الديلمى, fol. 4r; purchase note of السيد على ابن عبد الله, dated Rajab 1307 AH (1890 CE), front flyleaf; purchase note of حسين بن احمد بن اسماعيل بن احمد بن يحيى بن الحسن, dated 1374 AH (1955 CE), fol. 4r |
Type | Manuscript |
Place of Origin | Yemen, al-Bayḍāʼ, Ridāʻ |
Century(ies) | 17th century |
Year Range | 1687 |
Date Precise | 1687 February 24 |
Native Date Precise | 12 Rabīʻ al-Thānī 1098 AH |
Support | Paper |
Page Layout | 1 column, 26 lines per page |
Catchwords | Yes |
Writing System | Arabic |
Script(s) | Naskh |
Notes |
Colophon, fol. 214v. Copied at رداع العرش من اعمال المشرق |
Author |
Mutawakkil ʻalá Allāh, Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān, 1106 or 1107-1170 or 1171
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Author NS | المتوكل على الله احمد بن المطهر بن علي |
Title | Uṣūl al-aḥkām fī al-ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām |
Title NS | أصول الاحكام في الحلال والحرام |
Uniform Title |
Mutawakkil ʻalá Allāh, Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān, 1106 or 1107-1170 or 1171. Uṣūl al-aḥkām fī al-ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām
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Alternate Title | Hadith on Zaydī law |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | الحمد لله الكبير المتعال ذي العظمه والجلال والمن والافضال |
Item Notes |
Narrated by Muḥyī al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Qurashī |
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