0 CE - 2025 CE
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Country Syria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Aleppo Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Syriac Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Aleppo
Shelfmark Syr 4/9
Current Status Unknown
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 463 page(s)
Century(ies) 18th century
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Genre(s) Sermons; Hagiographies
HMML Proj. Num.

SCAA SL04 09

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/145581
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Joshua Mugler
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 463 page(s)
Foliation Modern pagination in Eastern Arabic numerals
Binding Dimensions 32 x 22.5 x 4.5 cm

Note in Arabic of waqf from الخورى جبرائيل شكير, dated 4 April 1881 CE, rear flyleaf

Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1719
Date Precise 1719 June 12
Support Paper
Page Layout 1 column, 29 lines per page
Catchwords Yes
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto

Copied by ܐܢܛܘܢ ܐܠܫܕܝܐܩ ܐܒܢ ܩܣ ܪܙܩܐܠܠܗ ܐܠܒܠܘܙܐܢܝ. Scribe and date information from colophon, page 463

Item Location pages 1-26
Title Homily on the benefits of fasting
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܠܐܓܠ ܒܝܐܢ ܦܘܐܝܕ ܐܠܨܝܐܡ ܐܠܡܩܕܣ ܘܬܗܝܓ ܐܠܟܐܛܝ ܠܠܬܘܒܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 26-48
Title Homily on perfect love
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܥܠܝ ܐܠܡܚܒܗ̈ ܐܠܟܐܡܠܗ ܐܠܬܝ ܬܟܘܢ ܡܢ ܩܠܒܐ ܢܩܝ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 48-75
Title Homily on the benefits of almsgiving
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܠܐܓܠ ܒܝܐܢ ܦܘܐܝܕ ܐܠܨܕܩܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 75-89
Title Homily on repentance
Title NS ܫܪܚܐ ܡܦܝܕ ܠܐܓܠ ܐܠܬܘܒܗ ܐܠܬܝ ܗܝ ܐܠܥܡܠ ܐܠܐܓܠ ܘܐܠܐܫܪܦ ܐܠܡܪܛܝ ܠܠܗ ܦܝ ܐܠܓ̣ܐܝܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 89-105
Title Homily on hatred
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܥܠܝ ܐܠܚܩܕ ܐܠܡܗܠܟ̇ ܐܠܕܝ ܗܘ ܐܨܠ ܣܐܝܪ ܐܠܫܪܘܪ ܐܠܕܐܥܝ ܐܠܝ ܐܟ̣ܕ ܐܠܬܐܪ ܐܠܣܐܠܒ ܐܠܢܥܡܗ̈ ܐܠܐܠܗܝܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 105-130
Title Homily on sinful gatherings at weddings
Title NS ܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܥܢ ܐܠܓܡܥܝܐܬ ܐܠܟ̣ܒܝܬܗ ܘܐܠܡܚܐܦܠ ܐܠܟ̇ܐܦܪܗ ܐܠܨܐܝܪܗ ܦܝ ܐܠܐܥܪܐܣ ܐܠܬܝ ܝܨܕܪ ܡܢܗܐ ܐܠܫܟ̇ܘܟ̇ ܘܐܠܦܬܢ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 130-163
Title Homily on the life of deacons
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܬܒܝܢ ܡܐ ܝܠܙܡ ܐܠܫܡܐܡܣܗ ܟܝܦ ܝܣܝܪܘܐ ܘܟܝܦ ܣܠܘܟܗܡ ܦܝ ܚܝܐܬܗܡ ܘܐܢ ܝܡܝܙܘܐ ܕܐܬܗܡ ܘܝܢܦܪܩܘܐ ܡܢ ܣܝܪܗ̈ ܐܗܠ ܐܠܥܐܠܡ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 164-186
Title Homily on parenting
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܥܠܝ ܡܐ ܝܠܙܡ ܐܠܘܐܠܕܝܢ ܡܢ ܚܣܢ ܐܠܐܕܒ ܘܐܠܬܪܒܝܗ̈ ܠܐܘܠܐܕܗܡ ܘܛܐܥܗ̈ ܐܠܐܒܢܐ ܠܐܒܐܝܐܗܡ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 186-205
Title Homily on the evils of slander
Title NS ܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܦܝ ܒܝܐܢ ܐܠܫܪܘܪ ܘܐܠܪܕܐܝܠ ܘܐܠܟܛܐܝܐ ܐܠܬܝ ܬܨܕܪ ܡܢ ܐܠܢܡܝܡܗ ܘܐܠܓܝܒܗ ܘܨ̇ܪܒ ܡܥܕܠ ܐܠܢܐܣ ܘܬܣܘܝܕ ܐܠܥܪܨ̇ ܘܐܠܩܕܦ ܘܐܠܘܩܝܥܗ ܘܡܕܐܝܢܗ̈ ܐܠܩܪܝܒ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 206-462
Author Agapios, Monachos, active 17th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS ܐܓܐܒܝܘܣ ܐܠܡܬܘܚܕ
Title Khalāṣ al-khuṭāh. Part 3
Title NS ܐܠܓܙܘ ܐܠܬܐܠܬ ܡܢ ܗܕܐ ܐܠܟܬܐܒ ܕܘ ܐܠܐܘܨܐܦ ܐܠܒܠܝܓܗ ܘܐܠܐܩܘܐܠ ܐܠܣܐܡܝܗ ܐܠܪܦܝܥܗ ܐܠܡܕܥܘ ܟܠܐܨ ܐܠܟܛܐܗ
Uniform Title Agapios, Monachos, active 17th century. Hamartōlōn sōtēria VIAF
Alternate Title Salvation of sinners
Alternate Title Miracles of Mary
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Notes

Translated from Greek

Country Syria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Aleppo Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Syriac Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Aleppo
Shelfmark Syr 4/9
Current Status Unknown
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 463 page(s)
Century(ies) 18th century
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Genre(s) Sermons; Hagiographies
HMML Proj. Num.

SCAA SL04 09

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/145581
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Joshua Mugler
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 463 page(s)
Foliation Modern pagination in Eastern Arabic numerals
Binding Dimensions 32 x 22.5 x 4.5 cm

Note in Arabic of waqf from الخورى جبرائيل شكير, dated 4 April 1881 CE, rear flyleaf

Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1719
Date Precise 1719 June 12
Support Paper
Page Layout 1 column, 29 lines per page
Catchwords Yes
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto

Copied by ܐܢܛܘܢ ܐܠܫܕܝܐܩ ܐܒܢ ܩܣ ܪܙܩܐܠܠܗ ܐܠܒܠܘܙܐܢܝ. Scribe and date information from colophon, page 463

Item Location pages 1-26
Title Homily on the benefits of fasting
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܠܐܓܠ ܒܝܐܢ ܦܘܐܝܕ ܐܠܨܝܐܡ ܐܠܡܩܕܣ ܘܬܗܝܓ ܐܠܟܐܛܝ ܠܠܬܘܒܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 26-48
Title Homily on perfect love
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܥܠܝ ܐܠܡܚܒܗ̈ ܐܠܟܐܡܠܗ ܐܠܬܝ ܬܟܘܢ ܡܢ ܩܠܒܐ ܢܩܝ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 48-75
Title Homily on the benefits of almsgiving
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܠܐܓܠ ܒܝܐܢ ܦܘܐܝܕ ܐܠܨܕܩܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 75-89
Title Homily on repentance
Title NS ܫܪܚܐ ܡܦܝܕ ܠܐܓܠ ܐܠܬܘܒܗ ܐܠܬܝ ܗܝ ܐܠܥܡܠ ܐܠܐܓܠ ܘܐܠܐܫܪܦ ܐܠܡܪܛܝ ܠܠܗ ܦܝ ܐܠܓ̣ܐܝܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 89-105
Title Homily on hatred
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܥܠܝ ܐܠܚܩܕ ܐܠܡܗܠܟ̇ ܐܠܕܝ ܗܘ ܐܨܠ ܣܐܝܪ ܐܠܫܪܘܪ ܐܠܕܐܥܝ ܐܠܝ ܐܟ̣ܕ ܐܠܬܐܪ ܐܠܣܐܠܒ ܐܠܢܥܡܗ̈ ܐܠܐܠܗܝܗ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 105-130
Title Homily on sinful gatherings at weddings
Title NS ܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܥܢ ܐܠܓܡܥܝܐܬ ܐܠܟ̣ܒܝܬܗ ܘܐܠܡܚܐܦܠ ܐܠܟ̇ܐܦܪܗ ܐܠܨܐܝܪܗ ܦܝ ܐܠܐܥܪܐܣ ܐܠܬܝ ܝܨܕܪ ܡܢܗܐ ܐܠܫܟ̇ܘܟ̇ ܘܐܠܦܬܢ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 130-163
Title Homily on the life of deacons
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܬܒܝܢ ܡܐ ܝܠܙܡ ܐܠܫܡܐܡܣܗ ܟܝܦ ܝܣܝܪܘܐ ܘܟܝܦ ܣܠܘܟܗܡ ܦܝ ܚܝܐܬܗܡ ܘܐܢ ܝܡܝܙܘܐ ܕܐܬܗܡ ܘܝܢܦܪܩܘܐ ܡܢ ܣܝܪܗ̈ ܐܗܠ ܐܠܥܐܠܡ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 164-186
Title Homily on parenting
Title NS ܡܘܥܛܗ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܡܦܝܕܗ ܥܠܝ ܡܐ ܝܠܙܡ ܐܠܘܐܠܕܝܢ ܡܢ ܚܣܢ ܐܠܐܕܒ ܘܐܠܬܪܒܝܗ̈ ܠܐܘܠܐܕܗܡ ܘܛܐܥܗ̈ ܐܠܐܒܢܐ ܠܐܒܐܝܐܗܡ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 186-205
Title Homily on the evils of slander
Title NS ܥܛܗ̈ ܓܠܝܠܗ ܦܝ ܒܝܐܢ ܐܠܫܪܘܪ ܘܐܠܪܕܐܝܠ ܘܐܠܟܛܐܝܐ ܐܠܬܝ ܬܨܕܪ ܡܢ ܐܠܢܡܝܡܗ ܘܐܠܓܝܒܗ ܘܨ̇ܪܒ ܡܥܕܠ ܐܠܢܐܣ ܘܬܣܘܝܕ ܐܠܥܪܨ̇ ܘܐܠܩܕܦ ܘܐܠܘܩܝܥܗ ܘܡܕܐܝܢܗ̈ ܐܠܩܪܝܒ
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Location pages 206-462
Author Agapios, Monachos, active 17th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS ܐܓܐܒܝܘܣ ܐܠܡܬܘܚܕ
Title Khalāṣ al-khuṭāh. Part 3
Title NS ܐܠܓܙܘ ܐܠܬܐܠܬ ܡܢ ܗܕܐ ܐܠܟܬܐܒ ܕܘ ܐܠܐܘܨܐܦ ܐܠܒܠܝܓܗ ܘܐܠܐܩܘܐܠ ܐܠܣܐܡܝܗ ܐܠܪܦܝܥܗ ܐܠܡܕܥܘ ܟܠܐܨ ܐܠܟܛܐܗ
Uniform Title Agapios, Monachos, active 17th century. Hamartōlōn sōtēria VIAF
Alternate Title Salvation of sinners
Alternate Title Miracles of Mary
Language(s) Arabic Garshuni
Item Notes

Translated from Greek

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