0 CE - 2025 CE
Country Malta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Valletta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository National Library of Malta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Collection/Fonds Treasury A
Series Archives of the Università of Mdina and Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa, and Senglea
Sub-Series Università of Mdina
Shelfmark Treasury A 152
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 338 leaf(ves)

Università of Mdina, ca. 1500-1900

Scope and Contents

In 19 registers and volumes. Documents pertaining to the activity of the Università of Mdina (Università della Notabile) in Malta. Records include account books, inventories, and other legal documents. Related documents in the Archives of the Università fonds at the National Library of Malta (Valletta) and in Mandati Diversi della Chiesa Cattedrale di Malta e dell'Università di Malta series at Cathedral Archives (Mdina).

Historical Note

Documents pertaining to the activity of the Università of Mdina (Universitas or Università della Notabile) in Malta. The Università of Mdina was the municipal government of Malta. The administrative collegial body was the Consiglio Popolare (Popular Council) composed of the capitano di verga, four giurati, and other legal consultors for diplomatic matters and commercial interests. The capitano di verga (il-Hakem) was at the head of the Università and was in charge of civil and criminal jurisdiction. The capitano di verga was also the governor of Malta until the arrival of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem in 1530, when he became lieutenant governor. The giurati were in charge of legal matters and acted also as judges for trials of the Corte Capitanale (court of law in Mdina). They had financial and legal jurisdiction and administration over public property, food, bequests (cumoli or cumuli di carità), Santo Spirito Hospital, and the Franciscan convent in Rabat (Malta). The giurati were also the officials of the regiment headed by the capitano di verga. The Università had rights on taxes for wine (called diritto di scisa, later granted to the Secrecy in exchange of remuneration), meat (diritto di manderano), wheat, bread (bollo sul pane), and properties in Malta belonging to foreigners. The Università was also in charge of the administration of the Massa delle vettovaglie, a monetary fund established in 1712 and managed by the giurati for lending money to the massari, people who needed to purchase wheat. The Università could appoint ambassadors for the king and the viceroy of Sicily and issue government measures (capitoli) to be approved as law by the king.The Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa (Birgu), and Senglea in Malta depended on the Università of Mdina.With the arrival of the Order of Saint John, both the Universitates gradually lost most of their rights and functions and were suppressed in 1818 by the British government.

Custodial History

Archive of the Università of Mdina (ca. 1300-1818) and Archive of the Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa (Birgu), and Senglea (ca. 1500-1818); British Government Archives (until 1872); Collector of rents, later Honorable the Treasurer (from 1872-?); National Library of Malta (?-present)

Subject Malta--Politics and government--1530-1798
Genre(s) Land surveys; Land registers

"List of Volumes and Other Documents of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and of the Municipal Institutions Known as the Università, Preserved in the Government Treasury." Institute of Historical Research Malta 3 (1932): 3-27.

HMML Proj. Num.

Malta Series III A 152

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/235793
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 338 leaf(ves)
Support Paper
Binding Dimensions 3.4 x 23 cm
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1700-1800
Language(s) Italian
Writing System(s) Roman
Item 1
Type Manuscript
Item(s) Description

Land survey of the Università of Mdina in Malta

Alternate Title

Compendio del cabreo in cui vengono notati tutti li beni stabili, censi, capitali, dritti, ed altre ragioni spettanti all'Università della Città Notablie ed isola di Malta

Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1700-1800
Support Paper
Language(s) Italian
Writing System(s) Roman

Land survey (cabreo) including legal documents and description of properties belonging to the Università of Mdina in Malta.

Country Malta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Valletta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository National Library of Malta Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Collection/Fonds Treasury A
Series Archives of the Università of Mdina and Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa, and Senglea
Sub-Series Università of Mdina
Shelfmark Treasury A 152
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 338 leaf(ves)

Università of Mdina, ca. 1500-1900

Scope and Contents

In 19 registers and volumes. Documents pertaining to the activity of the Università of Mdina (Università della Notabile) in Malta. Records include account books, inventories, and other legal documents. Related documents in the Archives of the Università fonds at the National Library of Malta (Valletta) and in Mandati Diversi della Chiesa Cattedrale di Malta e dell'Università di Malta series at Cathedral Archives (Mdina).

Historical Note

Documents pertaining to the activity of the Università of Mdina (Universitas or Università della Notabile) in Malta. The Università of Mdina was the municipal government of Malta. The administrative collegial body was the Consiglio Popolare (Popular Council) composed of the capitano di verga, four giurati, and other legal consultors for diplomatic matters and commercial interests. The capitano di verga (il-Hakem) was at the head of the Università and was in charge of civil and criminal jurisdiction. The capitano di verga was also the governor of Malta until the arrival of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem in 1530, when he became lieutenant governor. The giurati were in charge of legal matters and acted also as judges for trials of the Corte Capitanale (court of law in Mdina). They had financial and legal jurisdiction and administration over public property, food, bequests (cumoli or cumuli di carità), Santo Spirito Hospital, and the Franciscan convent in Rabat (Malta). The giurati were also the officials of the regiment headed by the capitano di verga. The Università had rights on taxes for wine (called diritto di scisa, later granted to the Secrecy in exchange of remuneration), meat (diritto di manderano), wheat, bread (bollo sul pane), and properties in Malta belonging to foreigners. The Università was also in charge of the administration of the Massa delle vettovaglie, a monetary fund established in 1712 and managed by the giurati for lending money to the massari, people who needed to purchase wheat. The Università could appoint ambassadors for the king and the viceroy of Sicily and issue government measures (capitoli) to be approved as law by the king.The Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa (Birgu), and Senglea in Malta depended on the Università of Mdina.With the arrival of the Order of Saint John, both the Universitates gradually lost most of their rights and functions and were suppressed in 1818 by the British government.

Custodial History

Archive of the Università of Mdina (ca. 1300-1818) and Archive of the Università of Valletta, Vittoriosa (Birgu), and Senglea (ca. 1500-1818); British Government Archives (until 1872); Collector of rents, later Honorable the Treasurer (from 1872-?); National Library of Malta (?-present)

Subject Malta--Politics and government--1530-1798
Genre(s) Land surveys; Land registers

"List of Volumes and Other Documents of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and of the Municipal Institutions Known as the Università, Preserved in the Government Treasury." Institute of Historical Research Malta 3 (1932): 3-27.

HMML Proj. Num.

Malta Series III A 152

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/235793
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 338 leaf(ves)
Support Paper
Binding Dimensions 3.4 x 23 cm
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1700-1800
Language(s) Italian
Writing System(s) Roman
Item 1
Type Manuscript
Item(s) Description

Land survey of the Università of Mdina in Malta

Alternate Title

Compendio del cabreo in cui vengono notati tutti li beni stabili, censi, capitali, dritti, ed altre ragioni spettanti all'Università della Città Notablie ed isola di Malta

Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1700-1800
Support Paper
Language(s) Italian
Writing System(s) Roman

Land survey (cabreo) including legal documents and description of properties belonging to the Università of Mdina in Malta.

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