0 CE - 2025 CE
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Melk Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Stift Melk. Stiftsbibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex Mellicensis 1086 (931)
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 272 page(s)
Century(ies) 15th century
Language(s) German; Latin
Genre(s) Bulls (papal); Calendars; Canon law; Commentaries; Correspondence; Fables; Historical works; Legal works; Medical works; Poems; Scientific works; Travel literature



Christine Glassner, Katalog der deutschen Handschriften des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts des Benediktinerstiftes Melk (Vienna: 2016).

Ext. Bibliography

manuscripta.at Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Österreich

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/3015
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 272 page(s)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 15th century
Year Range 1400-1500
Writing System Roman
Item Location pages 1-3
Title Eclipses lunae et solis ab anno 1433-1460
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

In two sections: 1433-1450 and 1433-1460

Item Location page 3
Title Modum communicandi fratres in Missa
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 4
Title De sacerdote celebrare obmittente
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpts atttributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location pages 5-6
Title De phlebotomiae temporibus
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Includes verses on phlebotomy, page 6

Item Location page 8
Title Kalendarium tabula universalis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 9-20
Title Kalendarium Mellicense anno 1503 scriptum
Associated Name Stift Melk Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 21
Title Tabula astrologica
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 23-32
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus memoriales librorum Sententiarum
Associated Name Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a scribal note, page 32

Item Location page 33-34
Author Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De probatione spirituum, an ex Deo sint
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted by Johannes Schlitpacher; includes verses by Johannes Schlitpacher that are based on the work of Jean Gerson, page 34

Item Location page 35
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Duodecim remedia contra modernas tentationes
Associated Name Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Verses based on the work of Jean Gerson

Item Location page 35
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Anni ante et post Christum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 36-43
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Expositio metrica super oratione dominica
Associated Name Nicolaus, von Dinkelsbühl, approximately 1360-1433 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted and compiled from the sermons of Nicolaus von Dinkelsbühl

Item Location page 44
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Acrostichum alphabeticum de laudibus beatae Mariae Virginis
Alternate Title De nominibus Beatae Mariae Virginis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 45-47
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus memoriales in evangelium Mathaei et Marci
Alternate Title Fragmentum Bibliae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 50-51
Title Relatio de magno terrae motu in regno Cataloniae anno 1427
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 52
Title De loco orationis
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Preceded by excerpts attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux, page 52

Item Location page 53
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus quos fecit Regi Ladislao posthumo pro memoria
Associated Name László V, King of Hungary and Bohemia, 1440-1457 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Preceded by excerpts, page 53

Item Location page 55
Title Duo alphabeta
Alternate Title Rudolfs-Alphabet
Associated Name Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria, 1334-1365 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Two alphabets, one is Turkish and one is a secret script attributed to Duke Rudolf IV of Austria; followed by a note on penance, page 56

Item Location pages 57-113
Author Odo, of Cheriton, -1246 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Diversae parabolae
Uniform Title Odo, of Cheriton, -1246. Fabulae Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Fabulae
Associated Name Bonaventure, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a hymn to the Virgin Mary, attributed to Bonaventure, page 114

Item Location pages 115-121
Title De virtute et efficacia Psalmorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 121-134
Title De forma vivendi quam Christus tradidit
Alternate Title Versus de forma vivendi monachorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 134-141
Author Pseudo-Isidore VIAF
Title Visio cuiusdam fratris
Alternate Title Visio Isidori
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 141-142
Title De XII abusivis saeculi
Uniform Title De duodecim abusivis saeculi Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Pseudo-Cyprian, active 3rd century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, -258 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Pseudo-Cyprian or Augustine of Hippo

Item Location pages 142-143
Title Versus
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Quisquis amat
Item Notes

Four sets of verses, one of which is attributed to Augustine of Hippo (?), page 142

Item Location pages 143-157
Title Visio facta non ficta, de disputatione animae cum corpore rhythmice descripta
Uniform Title Visio Philiberti VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 157-159
Author Jean, de Fécamp, -1078 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Manuale
Uniform Title Jean, de Fécamp, -1078. Confessio fidei VIAF
Alternate Title Speculum
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Alcuin, 735-804 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Adesto mihi verum lumen Deus pater omnipotens
Item Notes

Attributed also to Augustine of Hippo or Alcuin

Item Location pages 159-167
Title Confessio fidei
Associated Name Alcuin, 735-804 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Alcuin

Item Location pages 167
Title Versus de laude Mariae in missa
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 168-169
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 170-171
Title Tabula de considerandis a missa celebraturis
Associated Name Bonaventure, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Bonaventure (?)

Item Location page 171
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 171
Title Excerpts
Associated Name Thomas, Aquinas, 1225?-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Thomas Aquinas

Item Location page 172
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 172-174
Author Heinrich, von Langenstein, approximately 1325-1397 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus de morte
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 175
Title Versus de passione Domini
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 175
Title Tredecim utilitates et gratiae eucharistiae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 176-177
Title Figura mystica de laude Mariae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 178-181
Title Versus rhythmici de ordine Sancti Benedicti
Associated Name Benedictines Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 181-183
Title Versus de pugna morali
Alternate Title Conflictus virtutum et vitiorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 183
Title De lege dicta
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Recessit lex
Item Location page 184
Author Teodemaro, Abbot of Monte Cassino, -797 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola ad Carolum regem de monasterio sancti Benedicti directa
Associated Name Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-814 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Incomplete: only the beginning of the letter

Item Location page 184
Author Bernardus, of Kremsmünster, 1270-1326 VIAF
Title Notitia de vase quodam antiquo, quod in Kremsmünster asservatur
Associated Name Benediktinerstift Kremsmünster Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a note on the death of Benedict of Monte Cassino

Item Location pages 185-189
Title Metra ad sanctam Virginem Mariam
Alternate Title Oratio devota
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux (?)

Item Location pages 190-206
Title Praeceptiones monasticae, per dies hebdomadae digestae
Alternate Title Informatio regularis
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Augustinians Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

The Rule of Augustine arranged not in chapters but according to the days of the week

Item Location pages 207-208
Title Von dem heiligen Lande
Language(s) German
Item Location pages 209-213
Title Sex epistolarum Augustini Dirmsmalz et Udalrici de Weilheim
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Correspondence between Johannes Schlitpacher, Augustinus Ayrmschmalz, and Udalricus de Weilheim

Item Location pages 215-218
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Collatio de Ascensione Domini
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 219-222
Title Epistola de obitu Domini Caspari, olim abbatis in Tegernsee
Associated Name Ayndorffer, Kaspar, 1401-1461 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Tegernsee (Abbey) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Notification from the Abbey of Tegernsee concerning the death of the abbot Kaspar Ayndorffer

Item Location page 222-223
Author Ayrinschmalz, Konrad, approximately 1426-1492 VIAF
Title Epistola Domini Conradi abbatis in Tegernsee
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Ayrinschmalz, Konrad, approximately 1426-1492 VIAF
Associated Name Tegernsee (Abbey) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Letter to Johannes Schlitpacher concerning the election of Conradus Ayrmschmalz as abbot of Tegernsee in 1461

Item Location page 224
Author Ebendorfer, Thomas, 1388-1464 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola seu responsio Thomae de Haselbach
Alternate Title Summa super adustione epilepticorum ab igne berillorum ex radiis solis generato
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 225-226
Author Catholic Church. Pope (1216-1227 : Honorius III) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Excerptum ex bulla Honorii III
Alternate Title Constitutio abbatibus et monachis in Lombardia et Marchia Tervisina constitutis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 227-244
Author Johannes, von Werdea, approximately 1420-1475 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De quatuor monachiis
Alternate Title Tractatus de mundi duratione usque ad Christi domini nativitatem
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 245-246
Title Articuli pro visitatione monasteriorum
Alternate Title Forma visitationis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 247-248
Author Catholic Church. Pope (1198-1216 : Innocent III) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Extractum e constitutione Innocenti III papae
Alternate Title Constitutio "In singulis regnis" de statu monachorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 249-250
Author Rudolf, von Rüdesheim, Bishop of Wrocław, 1402-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De duobus fratribus Minoritis, auctoribus sectae cuiusdam
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 251-254
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De fluxu temporis ab Adam usque ad Christum notationes
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a note on the Strasbourg dispute concerning the mendicant orders, page 250

Item Location pages 255-261
Title De nova secta
Alternate Title Articuli 14 condemnati haereticorum in Bruderloch seu Trauntal Ratisbonensis dioecesis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 261-265
Title Figmenta seu errores novellorum haereticorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 266-272
Title Responsa ad quaesita ex libro I. Maccabaeorum
Language(s) Latin
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Melk Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Stift Melk. Stiftsbibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex Mellicensis 1086 (931)
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 272 page(s)
Century(ies) 15th century
Language(s) German; Latin
Genre(s) Bulls (papal); Calendars; Canon law; Commentaries; Correspondence; Fables; Historical works; Legal works; Medical works; Poems; Scientific works; Travel literature



Christine Glassner, Katalog der deutschen Handschriften des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts des Benediktinerstiftes Melk (Vienna: 2016).

Ext. Bibliography

manuscripta.at Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Österreich

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/3015
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 272 page(s)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 15th century
Year Range 1400-1500
Writing System Roman
Item Location pages 1-3
Title Eclipses lunae et solis ab anno 1433-1460
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

In two sections: 1433-1450 and 1433-1460

Item Location page 3
Title Modum communicandi fratres in Missa
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 4
Title De sacerdote celebrare obmittente
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpts atttributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location pages 5-6
Title De phlebotomiae temporibus
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Includes verses on phlebotomy, page 6

Item Location page 8
Title Kalendarium tabula universalis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 9-20
Title Kalendarium Mellicense anno 1503 scriptum
Associated Name Stift Melk Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 21
Title Tabula astrologica
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 23-32
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus memoriales librorum Sententiarum
Associated Name Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, approximately 1100-1160 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a scribal note, page 32

Item Location page 33-34
Author Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De probatione spirituum, an ex Deo sint
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted by Johannes Schlitpacher; includes verses by Johannes Schlitpacher that are based on the work of Jean Gerson, page 34

Item Location page 35
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Duodecim remedia contra modernas tentationes
Associated Name Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Verses based on the work of Jean Gerson

Item Location page 35
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Anni ante et post Christum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 36-43
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Expositio metrica super oratione dominica
Associated Name Nicolaus, von Dinkelsbühl, approximately 1360-1433 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted and compiled from the sermons of Nicolaus von Dinkelsbühl

Item Location page 44
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Acrostichum alphabeticum de laudibus beatae Mariae Virginis
Alternate Title De nominibus Beatae Mariae Virginis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 45-47
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus memoriales in evangelium Mathaei et Marci
Alternate Title Fragmentum Bibliae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 50-51
Title Relatio de magno terrae motu in regno Cataloniae anno 1427
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 52
Title De loco orationis
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Preceded by excerpts attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux, page 52

Item Location page 53
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus quos fecit Regi Ladislao posthumo pro memoria
Associated Name László V, King of Hungary and Bohemia, 1440-1457 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Preceded by excerpts, page 53

Item Location page 55
Title Duo alphabeta
Alternate Title Rudolfs-Alphabet
Associated Name Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria, 1334-1365 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Two alphabets, one is Turkish and one is a secret script attributed to Duke Rudolf IV of Austria; followed by a note on penance, page 56

Item Location pages 57-113
Author Odo, of Cheriton, -1246 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Diversae parabolae
Uniform Title Odo, of Cheriton, -1246. Fabulae Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Fabulae
Associated Name Bonaventure, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a hymn to the Virgin Mary, attributed to Bonaventure, page 114

Item Location pages 115-121
Title De virtute et efficacia Psalmorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 121-134
Title De forma vivendi quam Christus tradidit
Alternate Title Versus de forma vivendi monachorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 134-141
Author Pseudo-Isidore VIAF
Title Visio cuiusdam fratris
Alternate Title Visio Isidori
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 141-142
Title De XII abusivis saeculi
Uniform Title De duodecim abusivis saeculi Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Pseudo-Cyprian, active 3rd century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, -258 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Pseudo-Cyprian or Augustine of Hippo

Item Location pages 142-143
Title Versus
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Quisquis amat
Item Notes

Four sets of verses, one of which is attributed to Augustine of Hippo (?), page 142

Item Location pages 143-157
Title Visio facta non ficta, de disputatione animae cum corpore rhythmice descripta
Uniform Title Visio Philiberti VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 157-159
Author Jean, de Fécamp, -1078 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Manuale
Uniform Title Jean, de Fécamp, -1078. Confessio fidei VIAF
Alternate Title Speculum
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Alcuin, 735-804 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Adesto mihi verum lumen Deus pater omnipotens
Item Notes

Attributed also to Augustine of Hippo or Alcuin

Item Location pages 159-167
Title Confessio fidei
Associated Name Alcuin, 735-804 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Alcuin

Item Location pages 167
Title Versus de laude Mariae in missa
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 168-169
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 170-171
Title Tabula de considerandis a missa celebraturis
Associated Name Bonaventure, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Bonaventure (?)

Item Location page 171
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 171
Title Excerpts
Associated Name Thomas, Aquinas, 1225?-1274 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Thomas Aquinas

Item Location page 172
Title Versus
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 172-174
Author Heinrich, von Langenstein, approximately 1325-1397 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Versus de morte
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 175
Title Versus de passione Domini
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 175
Title Tredecim utilitates et gratiae eucharistiae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 176-177
Title Figura mystica de laude Mariae
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 178-181
Title Versus rhythmici de ordine Sancti Benedicti
Associated Name Benedictines Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 181-183
Title Versus de pugna morali
Alternate Title Conflictus virtutum et vitiorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 183
Title De lege dicta
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Recessit lex
Item Location page 184
Author Teodemaro, Abbot of Monte Cassino, -797 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola ad Carolum regem de monasterio sancti Benedicti directa
Associated Name Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-814 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Incomplete: only the beginning of the letter

Item Location page 184
Author Bernardus, of Kremsmünster, 1270-1326 VIAF
Title Notitia de vase quodam antiquo, quod in Kremsmünster asservatur
Associated Name Benediktinerstift Kremsmünster Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Benedict, Abbot of Monte Cassino Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a note on the death of Benedict of Monte Cassino

Item Location pages 185-189
Title Metra ad sanctam Virginem Mariam
Alternate Title Oratio devota
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux (?)

Item Location pages 190-206
Title Praeceptiones monasticae, per dies hebdomadae digestae
Alternate Title Informatio regularis
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Augustinians Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

The Rule of Augustine arranged not in chapters but according to the days of the week

Item Location pages 207-208
Title Von dem heiligen Lande
Language(s) German
Item Location pages 209-213
Title Sex epistolarum Augustini Dirmsmalz et Udalrici de Weilheim
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Correspondence between Johannes Schlitpacher, Augustinus Ayrmschmalz, and Udalricus de Weilheim

Item Location pages 215-218
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Collatio de Ascensione Domini
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 219-222
Title Epistola de obitu Domini Caspari, olim abbatis in Tegernsee
Associated Name Ayndorffer, Kaspar, 1401-1461 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Tegernsee (Abbey) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Notification from the Abbey of Tegernsee concerning the death of the abbot Kaspar Ayndorffer

Item Location page 222-223
Author Ayrinschmalz, Konrad, approximately 1426-1492 VIAF
Title Epistola Domini Conradi abbatis in Tegernsee
Associated Name Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Ayrinschmalz, Konrad, approximately 1426-1492 VIAF
Associated Name Tegernsee (Abbey) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Letter to Johannes Schlitpacher concerning the election of Conradus Ayrmschmalz as abbot of Tegernsee in 1461

Item Location page 224
Author Ebendorfer, Thomas, 1388-1464 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola seu responsio Thomae de Haselbach
Alternate Title Summa super adustione epilepticorum ab igne berillorum ex radiis solis generato
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 225-226
Author Catholic Church. Pope (1216-1227 : Honorius III) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Excerptum ex bulla Honorii III
Alternate Title Constitutio abbatibus et monachis in Lombardia et Marchia Tervisina constitutis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 227-244
Author Johannes, von Werdea, approximately 1420-1475 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De quatuor monachiis
Alternate Title Tractatus de mundi duratione usque ad Christi domini nativitatem
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 245-246
Title Articuli pro visitatione monasteriorum
Alternate Title Forma visitationis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 247-248
Author Catholic Church. Pope (1198-1216 : Innocent III) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Extractum e constitutione Innocenti III papae
Alternate Title Constitutio "In singulis regnis" de statu monachorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location page 249-250
Author Rudolf, von Rüdesheim, Bishop of Wrocław, 1402-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De duobus fratribus Minoritis, auctoribus sectae cuiusdam
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 251-254
Author Schlitpacher, Johannes, 1403-1482 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De fluxu temporis ab Adam usque ad Christum notationes
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Followed by a note on the Strasbourg dispute concerning the mendicant orders, page 250

Item Location pages 255-261
Title De nova secta
Alternate Title Articuli 14 condemnati haereticorum in Bruderloch seu Trauntal Ratisbonensis dioecesis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 261-265
Title Figmenta seu errores novellorum haereticorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location pages 266-272
Title Responsa ad quaesita ex libro I. Maccabaeorum
Language(s) Latin
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