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Country Spain Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Barcelona Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Collection/Fonds Manuscritos especiales
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 5 leaf(ves)
Scope and Contents

Collection of rare manuscripts either donated to the archive by clergy in the Diocese of Barcelona, or acquired by the archive throughout its history, but belonging to no special fond or collection

Genre(s) Legal documents
Feature(s) Coat(s) of arms; Initial(s), Decorated

José Sanabre, El Archivo Diocesano de Barcelona (1947), 104-106.

Ext. Bibliography

Julian Plante, Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, vol. 2, Spain, pt. 1 (1978), 53.

HMML Proj. Num.

30339 001

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/501157
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Scanned Microform
Access Restrictions Registered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 5 leaf(ves)
Support Paper
Century(ies) 16th century
Year Range 1575
Date Precise 1575
Language(s) Catalan
Writing System(s) Roman
Item 1
Type Manuscript
Item(s) Description

Constitutions y altres drets de Cathalunya compilats en virtut del cap de Cort XXIIII de las Corts per la s.c.y.r.m. del rey Don Phelip nostre senyor celebrades en la vila de Montsó, any MDLXXV

Century(ies) 16th century
Year Range 1575
Date Precise 1575
Support Paper
Language(s) Catalan
Writing System(s) Roman
Associated Name Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) (Commissioner) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF

Usatges and constitutions of Catalunya and Barcelona

Country Spain Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Barcelona Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Collection/Fonds Manuscritos especiales
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 5 leaf(ves)
Scope and Contents

Collection of rare manuscripts either donated to the archive by clergy in the Diocese of Barcelona, or acquired by the archive throughout its history, but belonging to no special fond or collection

Genre(s) Legal documents
Feature(s) Coat(s) of arms; Initial(s), Decorated

José Sanabre, El Archivo Diocesano de Barcelona (1947), 104-106.

Ext. Bibliography

Julian Plante, Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, vol. 2, Spain, pt. 1 (1978), 53.

HMML Proj. Num.

30339 001

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/501157
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Scanned Microform
Access Restrictions Registered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Archival Material
Container 1 volume(s)
Extent 5 leaf(ves)
Support Paper
Century(ies) 16th century
Year Range 1575
Date Precise 1575
Language(s) Catalan
Writing System(s) Roman
Item 1
Type Manuscript
Item(s) Description

Constitutions y altres drets de Cathalunya compilats en virtut del cap de Cort XXIIII de las Corts per la s.c.y.r.m. del rey Don Phelip nostre senyor celebrades en la vila de Montsó, any MDLXXV

Century(ies) 16th century
Year Range 1575
Date Precise 1575
Support Paper
Language(s) Catalan
Writing System(s) Roman
Associated Name Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) (Commissioner) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF

Usatges and constitutions of Catalunya and Barcelona

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