Country | Lebanon VIAF |
City | Beirut VIAF |
Repository | Université Saint-Joseph. Bibliothèque orientale VIAF |
Shelfmark | MS 2/507 |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 192 leaf(ves) |
Century(ies) | 18th century |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Genre(s) | Commentaries |
Feature(s) | Chart(s); Diagram(s); Marginalia; Seal(s); Table(s) |
HMML Proj. Num. |
USJ 2 00507 |
Permanent Link | |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | Cataloged by Josh Mugler |
Surrogate Format | Digital |
Capture Date | 2013/03/15 |
Access Restrictions | Registered |
Rights | |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 192 leaf(ves) |
Foliation | Modern foliation in Arabic numerals; modern pagination in Eastern Arabic numerals |
Binding Dimensions | 21.6 x 16.3 x 2.7 cm |
Provenance |
Ownership note and seal of احمد بن محمد الخطيب, fol. 120r; ownership note of سليمان افندى زاده السيد محمد, fol. 2r |
Condition Notes |
Imperfect: wanting leaves |
Type | Manuscript |
Part Location | fol. 2v-191v |
Place of Origin | Turkey, Sivas/Diyarbakır |
Century(ies) | 18th century |
Year Range | 1709 |
Date Precise | 1709 |
Native Date Precise | 1121 AH |
Support | Paper |
Page Layout | 1 column, 17-27 lines per page |
Catchwords | Yes |
Writing System | Arabic |
Script(s) | Naskh; Nasta‘līq |
Notes |
Copied by محيى الدين زاده and احمد بن محمد الخطيب. Portions completed at different dates; colophons, fol. 57r, 69r, 87v, 116v, 191v. Copied at مدرسة زنجيريه and مدرسة تفسيرى محمد افندى. Additional commentaries and excerpts, fol. 88v-91r, 118r-119r |
Item Location | fol. 2v-31v |
Title | Commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قال ورتبته على مقدمة وثلث مقالات وخاتمه نقل عن المص لفظ ثلث |
Item Location | fol. 32r-57r |
Title | al-Irtijālīyah fī tawḍīḥ al-fawāʼid al-Dāwudīyah |
Title NS | الارتجالية فى توضيح الفوائد الداودية |
Uniform Title | Irtijālīyah fī tawḍīḥ al-fawāʼid al-Dāwudīyah VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Qūjawī's commentary on al-Jurjānī's commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Qūjawī, Dāwūd ibn Kamāl, -1541 or 1542 VIAF |
Associated Name | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413 VIAF |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | باسمه تعالى نستفتح معاقد انفع المطالب وارفع المأرب |
Item Location | fol. 58r-69r |
Title | Commentary on Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah's commentary on his own treatise Risālat al-ādāb |
Title NS | رسالة على طاش كپرى فى الآداب |
Associated Name | Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá, 1495-1561 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قوله الحمد لله سلك ههنا الطريقة المشهورة في الحمد اقتدآء بالكتاب الكريم |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Ibrāhīm al-Sīwāsī |
Item Location | fol. 69v-87v |
Author | Ḥājjī ʻUmarʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn ʻUmar, active 1695 VIAF |
Author NS | حاجي عمر زاده، أحمد بن عمر |
Title | Mumidd al-ʻābirīn li-mā fī-hi min imdād al-sālikīn |
Title NS | مهد العابرين لما فيه من امداد السالكين |
Uniform Title | Ḥājjī ʻUmarʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn ʻUmar, active 1695. Mumidd al-ʻābirīn li-mā fī-hi min imdād al-sālikīn VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah's commentary on his own treatise Risālat al-ādāb |
Associated Name | Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá, 1495-1561 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | لك الحمد يا ذا الجود والمجد والعلي |
Item Notes |
Composition dated Ramaḍān 1106 AH (1695 CE), fol. 87v |
Item Location | fol. 92r-116v |
Author | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413 VIAF |
Author NS | سيد |
Title | Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Shamsīyah. Part 2 |
Title NS | حاشية على التصديقات |
Uniform Title | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413. Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Shamsīyah |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قوله ولما توقف معرفتها على معرفة القضايا اقول كما ان للقول الشارح مبادى يتوقف معرفته عليها |
Item Location | fol. 120v-191v |
Author | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Author NS | القطب التحتاني، محمد بن محمد |
Title | Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah. Part 2 |
Title NS | تحرير القواعد المنطقية في شرح الرسالة الشمسية |
Uniform Title | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365. Sharḥ Shamsīyah VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قال المقاله الثانية فى القضايا واحكامها وفيها مقدمة وثلثة فصول اقول لما فرغ من مباحث القول الشارح شرع فى مباحث الحجة |
Country | Lebanon VIAF |
City | Beirut VIAF |
Repository | Université Saint-Joseph. Bibliothèque orientale VIAF |
Shelfmark | MS 2/507 |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 192 leaf(ves) |
Century(ies) | 18th century |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Genre(s) | Commentaries |
Feature(s) | Chart(s); Diagram(s); Marginalia; Seal(s); Table(s) |
HMML Proj. Num. |
USJ 2 00507 |
Permanent Link | |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | Cataloged by Josh Mugler |
Surrogate Format | Digital |
Capture Date | 2013/03/15 |
Access Restrictions | Registered |
Rights | |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 192 leaf(ves) |
Foliation | Modern foliation in Arabic numerals; modern pagination in Eastern Arabic numerals |
Binding Dimensions | 21.6 x 16.3 x 2.7 cm |
Provenance |
Ownership note and seal of احمد بن محمد الخطيب, fol. 120r; ownership note of سليمان افندى زاده السيد محمد, fol. 2r |
Condition Notes |
Imperfect: wanting leaves |
Type | Manuscript |
Part Location | fol. 2v-191v |
Place of Origin | Turkey, Sivas/Diyarbakır |
Century(ies) | 18th century |
Year Range | 1709 |
Date Precise | 1709 |
Native Date Precise | 1121 AH |
Support | Paper |
Page Layout | 1 column, 17-27 lines per page |
Catchwords | Yes |
Writing System | Arabic |
Script(s) | Naskh; Nasta‘līq |
Notes |
Copied by محيى الدين زاده and احمد بن محمد الخطيب. Portions completed at different dates; colophons, fol. 57r, 69r, 87v, 116v, 191v. Copied at مدرسة زنجيريه and مدرسة تفسيرى محمد افندى. Additional commentaries and excerpts, fol. 88v-91r, 118r-119r |
Item Location | fol. 2v-31v |
Title | Commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قال ورتبته على مقدمة وثلث مقالات وخاتمه نقل عن المص لفظ ثلث |
Item Location | fol. 32r-57r |
Title | al-Irtijālīyah fī tawḍīḥ al-fawāʼid al-Dāwudīyah |
Title NS | الارتجالية فى توضيح الفوائد الداودية |
Uniform Title | Irtijālīyah fī tawḍīḥ al-fawāʼid al-Dāwudīyah VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Qūjawī's commentary on al-Jurjānī's commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Qūjawī, Dāwūd ibn Kamāl, -1541 or 1542 VIAF |
Associated Name | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413 VIAF |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | باسمه تعالى نستفتح معاقد انفع المطالب وارفع المأرب |
Item Location | fol. 58r-69r |
Title | Commentary on Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah's commentary on his own treatise Risālat al-ādāb |
Title NS | رسالة على طاش كپرى فى الآداب |
Associated Name | Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá, 1495-1561 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قوله الحمد لله سلك ههنا الطريقة المشهورة في الحمد اقتدآء بالكتاب الكريم |
Item Notes |
Attributed to Ibrāhīm al-Sīwāsī |
Item Location | fol. 69v-87v |
Author | Ḥājjī ʻUmarʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn ʻUmar, active 1695 VIAF |
Author NS | حاجي عمر زاده، أحمد بن عمر |
Title | Mumidd al-ʻābirīn li-mā fī-hi min imdād al-sālikīn |
Title NS | مهد العابرين لما فيه من امداد السالكين |
Uniform Title | Ḥājjī ʻUmarʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn ʻUmar, active 1695. Mumidd al-ʻābirīn li-mā fī-hi min imdād al-sālikīn VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah's commentary on his own treatise Risālat al-ādāb |
Associated Name | Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah, Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá, 1495-1561 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | لك الحمد يا ذا الجود والمجد والعلي |
Item Notes |
Composition dated Ramaḍān 1106 AH (1695 CE), fol. 87v |
Item Location | fol. 92r-116v |
Author | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413 VIAF |
Author NS | سيد |
Title | Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Shamsīyah. Part 2 |
Title NS | حاشية على التصديقات |
Uniform Title | Jurjānī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf, 1340-1413. Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Shamsīyah |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Quṭb al-Taḥtānī's commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قوله ولما توقف معرفتها على معرفة القضايا اقول كما ان للقول الشارح مبادى يتوقف معرفته عليها |
Item Location | fol. 120v-191v |
Author | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365 VIAF |
Author NS | القطب التحتاني، محمد بن محمد |
Title | Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah. Part 2 |
Title NS | تحرير القواعد المنطقية في شرح الرسالة الشمسية |
Uniform Title | Quṭb al-Taḥtānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1294 or 1295-1364 or 1365. Sharḥ Shamsīyah VIAF |
Alternate Title | Commentary on al-Qazwīnī's treatise al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah |
Associated Name | Qazwīnī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 VIAF |
Language(s) | Arabic |
Incipit | قال المقاله الثانية فى القضايا واحكامها وفيها مقدمة وثلثة فصول اقول لما فرغ من مباحث القول الشارح شرع فى مباحث الحجة |
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