0 CE - 2025 CE
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Klosterneuburg Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Stift Klosterneuburg. Bibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex Claustroneoburgensis 570
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 107 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 14th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Correspondence; Religious rules and constitutions; Sermons



H. Pfeiffer and B. Černík, Catalogus Codicum Manu Scriptorum (unpublished manuscript, undated [early 20th century]).

Ext. Bibliography

manuscripta.at Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Österreich

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/6529
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 107 leaf(ves)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 14th century
Year Range 1300-1400
Writing System Roman
Item Location fol. 1r-23r
Title Excerpta canonum
Alternate Title Excerpta ex operibus Patrum
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Isidore, of Seville, -636 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Prosper, of Aquitaine, approximately 390-approximately 463 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted from works attributed to Augustine of Hippo, Pope Gregory I, Isidore of Seville, and Prosper of Acquitaine

Item Location fol. 23r-25v
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De vita et moribus clericorum
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Propter quod volui et rogavi hesterno die ut hodie frequentius
Item Location fol. 25v-29r
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sermo de vita et moribus sacerdotum
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Caritati vestrae hodie de nobis ipsis sermo reddendus est
Item Location fol. 29r-37v
Title Instituta canonicorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 37v-53r
Author Isidore, of Seville, -636 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Synonima
Uniform Title Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636. Synonyma Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 53r-83v
Author Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Regula sancti Basilii de institutione monachorum
Uniform Title Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379. Small Asketikon Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 83v-86r
Title Regula coenobialis fratrum Hyberniensium
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 86r-88r
Author Columban, 543-615 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Regula sancti Columbani abbatis. Cap. 1-8
Uniform Title Columban, Saint, 543-615. Regula monachorum Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 88r-89r
Author Porcarius, Abbot of Lérins, -490 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Monita sancti Porcari abbatis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 89rv
Author Columban, 543-615 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola sancti Columbani abbatis
Uniform Title Columban, Saint, 543-615. Instructiones Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 89v-91r
Author Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Praecepta, quae dedi Pynuphius fratribus suis
Uniform Title Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435. De institutis coenobiorum et de octo principalium vitiorum remediis libri XII Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Regula Pynuphii
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpt from the De institutis coenobiorum of John Cassian

Item Location fol. 91v-95r
Title Regula Pauli et Stephani
Uniform Title Regula Pauli et Stephani Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 95r-98r
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sententiae aliquae in libro sancti Augustini episcopi de opere monachorum ad Aurelium episcopum de hoc, quod praecepit beatus Paulus: Qui non vult operari nec manducet
Uniform Title Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. De opere monachorum Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 98rv
Title De his, qui contra prohibitionem comam nutriunt
Alternate Title Tractatus de tonsura
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 98v-101r
Author Eucherius, of Lyon, -449? Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sermo ad monachos
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 101rv
Title Epistola sancti Macharii data monachis
Uniform Title Epistola sancti Macharii ad monachos Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, the Egyptian, active 4th century (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Macarius the Egyptian

Item Location fol. 101v-103r
Title Regula sanctorum patrum Serapionis et Macharii et Paphnucii et alterius Macharii
Associated Name Serapion, of Thmuis (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, of Alexandria, -approximately 394 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, the Egyptian, active 4th century (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Paphnutius, anchorite, active 370 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 103r-104r
Title Sententiae aliquae de regula sancti Macharii abbatis
Associated Name Macarius, of Alexandria, -approximately 394 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Macarius of Alexandria

Item Location fol. 104r-106v
Author Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Proverbia sancti Evagrii
Uniform Title Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399. Ad monachos Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Klosterneuburg Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Stift Klosterneuburg. Bibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex Claustroneoburgensis 570
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 107 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 14th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Correspondence; Religious rules and constitutions; Sermons



H. Pfeiffer and B. Černík, Catalogus Codicum Manu Scriptorum (unpublished manuscript, undated [early 20th century]).

Ext. Bibliography

manuscripta.at Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Österreich

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/6529
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 107 leaf(ves)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 14th century
Year Range 1300-1400
Writing System Roman
Item Location fol. 1r-23r
Title Excerpta canonum
Alternate Title Excerpta ex operibus Patrum
Associated Name Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Isidore, of Seville, -636 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Prosper, of Aquitaine, approximately 390-approximately 463 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpted from works attributed to Augustine of Hippo, Pope Gregory I, Isidore of Seville, and Prosper of Acquitaine

Item Location fol. 23r-25v
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title De vita et moribus clericorum
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Propter quod volui et rogavi hesterno die ut hodie frequentius
Item Location fol. 25v-29r
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sermo de vita et moribus sacerdotum
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Caritati vestrae hodie de nobis ipsis sermo reddendus est
Item Location fol. 29r-37v
Title Instituta canonicorum
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 37v-53r
Author Isidore, of Seville, -636 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Synonima
Uniform Title Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636. Synonyma Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 53r-83v
Author Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Regula sancti Basilii de institutione monachorum
Uniform Title Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379. Small Asketikon Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 83v-86r
Title Regula coenobialis fratrum Hyberniensium
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 86r-88r
Author Columban, 543-615 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Regula sancti Columbani abbatis. Cap. 1-8
Uniform Title Columban, Saint, 543-615. Regula monachorum Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 88r-89r
Author Porcarius, Abbot of Lérins, -490 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Monita sancti Porcari abbatis
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 89rv
Author Columban, 543-615 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola sancti Columbani abbatis
Uniform Title Columban, Saint, 543-615. Instructiones Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 89v-91r
Author Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Praecepta, quae dedi Pynuphius fratribus suis
Uniform Title Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435. De institutis coenobiorum et de octo principalium vitiorum remediis libri XII Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Regula Pynuphii
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Excerpt from the De institutis coenobiorum of John Cassian

Item Location fol. 91v-95r
Title Regula Pauli et Stephani
Uniform Title Regula Pauli et Stephani Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 95r-98r
Author Augustine, of Hippo, 354-430 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sententiae aliquae in libro sancti Augustini episcopi de opere monachorum ad Aurelium episcopum de hoc, quod praecepit beatus Paulus: Qui non vult operari nec manducet
Uniform Title Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. De opere monachorum Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 98rv
Title De his, qui contra prohibitionem comam nutriunt
Alternate Title Tractatus de tonsura
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 98v-101r
Author Eucherius, of Lyon, -449? Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Sermo ad monachos
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 101rv
Title Epistola sancti Macharii data monachis
Uniform Title Epistola sancti Macharii ad monachos Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, the Egyptian, active 4th century (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Macarius the Egyptian

Item Location fol. 101v-103r
Title Regula sanctorum patrum Serapionis et Macharii et Paphnucii et alterius Macharii
Associated Name Serapion, of Thmuis (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, of Alexandria, -approximately 394 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Macarius, the Egyptian, active 4th century (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Paphnutius, anchorite, active 370 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Location fol. 103r-104r
Title Sententiae aliquae de regula sancti Macharii abbatis
Associated Name Macarius, of Alexandria, -approximately 394 (Attributed name) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Item Notes

Attributed to Macarius of Alexandria

Item Location fol. 104r-106v
Author Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Proverbia sancti Evagrii
Uniform Title Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399. Ad monachos Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
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