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Country |
United States
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City |
Collegeville (Minn.)
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Repository | Donald Davies Microfilm Collection |
Common Name | Gospels of Krestos Tasfāna; National Library Gospels |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 650 page(s) |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Language(s) | Ge'ez |
Genre(s) | Gospels; Bibles |
Feature(s) | Border(s), Decorative; Canon table(s); Decoration, Full-page; Decoration, Vegetative; Miniature(s) |
Notes |
Shelfmark: National Archives and Library of Ethiopia NL MS 28; Page numbers 32 and 33 given twice |
Bibliography |
Pāwlos Ṣādwā, "Un manoscritto etiopico degli evangeli," Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 11 (1952): 9-28; Catalogue of the Ethiopian Manuscripts in the National Library of Ethiopia (1962); Jules Leroy, Stephen Wright, and Otto A. Jäger, Ethiopia: Illuminated Manuscripts (1961); Koptische Kunst. Christentum am Nil. 3. Mai bis 15. August 1963 in Villa Hügel, Essen (1963), 423-424 and color plate 15; Catalogue of Manuscripts Microfilmed by the UNESCO Mobile Microfilm Unit in Addis Ababa and Gojjam Province (1970); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice: The Synoptic Gospels. General Introduction - Edition of the Gospel of Mark, in Äthiopistische Forschungen 27 (1989); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice. Part III: The Gospel of Matthew, in Aethiopistische Forschungen 55 (2001); Michael G. Wechsler, Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum, in CSCO 617 (2005) |
Ext. Bibliography |
William F. Macomber, "Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts... from microfilms in the collection of Dr. Donald Davies...," (unpublished manuscript, 1979), 73-74 |
Ext. Bibliography |
Madeleine Schneider, "Deux actes de donation en arabe," Annales d'Éthiopie 8 (1970): 79-87 |
Alt. Surrogate | UNESCO 2-28 |
HMML Proj. Num. |
SEP DAVIES 00003 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/833050 |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | Photographed by Donald Davies in National Archives and Library of Ethiopia as National Library Gospels; Cataloged by William F. Macomber; metadata added by Jeremy R. Brown |
Surrogate Format | Scanned Microform |
Access Restrictions | Unregistered or order a digital copy |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |

Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 650 page(s) |
Foliation | Paginated in Ethiopic numerals |
Binding |
Wood boards |
Binding Dimensions | 29.5 x 20.5 cm |
Provenance |
Copied for ክርስቶስ ፡ ተስፋነ, abbot of Ḥayq Esṭifānos, fol. 16v, 259v (not visible on microfilm); Note from the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia, dated 30 Maggābit 1938 EC (8 April 1946 CE), that the manuscript was brought from Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery by alaqā ḥaraga ወይን ፡ በየነ, fol. 327v; Note from the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia, dated 1 Miyāzyā 1938 EC (9 April 1946 CE), that the manuscript was brought from the monastery of Ḥayq Esṭifānos by alaqā ḥaraga ወይን ፡ በየነ, fol. 327r; Accessioned by the National Library of Ethiopia in 1946 CE |
Type | Manuscript |
Part Location | pages 1-650 |
Place of Origin | Ethiopia, Wallo Province |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Year Range | 1300-1340 |
Support | Parchment |
Support Dimensions | 30 x 20.5 cm |
Page Layout | 2 columns, 22-25 lines per page |
Writing System | Ethiopic |
Script(s) | Fidäl |
Decoration |
21 full-page miniatures: Tempietto, page 27; Abbots Gabra Ṣeyon, Iyasus Mo'a, (Za-)Iyasus, and Krestos Tasfāna, page 32; Presentation of Mary in the Temple, page 33; Annunciation to Mary and of how Joseph made Mary drink the bitter water, page 32 bis; Nativity of Jesus and of the shepherds seeing the star, page 33 bis; Magi approaching Jesus with the angel of God, page 34; Flight of the holy family to Egypt, page 35; Massacre of the innocents, page 36; Journey of the holy family in Egypt and of the baptism of Jesus, page 37; Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, page 38; Zaccheus in the tree and of those who went up to the roof of the Temple, page 39; Peter's denial, page 40; Arrest of Jesus, fol. 41; Crucifixion, page 42; Burial of Jesus, page 43; Resurrection of Jesus, page 44; Ascension of Jesus, page 45; Matthew the Evangelist, page 48; Mark the Evangelist, page, 236; Luke the Evangelist, page 340; John the Evangelist, page 516; |
Notes |
Texts in secondary hands: Land donation by aqābē sa'āt ሕዝበ ፡ ጽዮን for the commemoration of his father dated 7 Bashans 1091 AM (2 May 1375 CE), in Arabic, page 28; Donation of land by aqābē sa'āt ነገደ ፡ ክርስቶስ for his commemoration, page 31; Hymn to Iyasus Mo'a, ሰላም ፡ ለከ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ሞአ ፡ አቡነ ፡ ማኅደረ ፡ መንፈስ ፡ ቅዱስ..., page 67-72; Poem on Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery, page 73; Restoration by aqābē sa'āt ሚካኤል of a land grant to አበስኪሮን made by aqābē sa'āt ተክለ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ሞአ, page 234; Land donation to Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery by ደመ ፡ ወልድ, page 512; restoration of land to ማርያም by aqābē sa'āt ዮሐንስ dated 17 Ḫedār in the 2nd year of mercy (13 November 1349 CE), page 513; Agreement for payments to Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery for use of lands dated 7132 AM (1639/1640 CE), pages 514-515; Land donation by aqābē sa'āt ዮሐንስ for the commemoration of his father dated to the 6th year of mercy (1353/4 CE), page 515 |

Item Location | pages 17-649 |
Title | Gospels |
Uniform Title |
Bible. Gospels
![]() |
Language(s) | Ge'ez |
Contents Detail |
Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus, pages 17-19; Eusebian canons, pages 20-26; Synoptic presentation concerning the agreement of the four Gospels, pages 29-31; Chapters of Matthew, pages 46-47; Matthew, pages 49-234; Chapters of Mark, pages 234-235; Mark, pages 237-337; Chapters of Luke, pages 337-339; Luke, pages 341-512; Chapters of John, pages 514; John, pages 517-649 |

Country |
United States
![]() |
City |
Collegeville (Minn.)
![]() |
Repository | Donald Davies Microfilm Collection |
Common Name | Gospels of Krestos Tasfāna; National Library Gospels |
Current Status | In situ |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 650 page(s) |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Language(s) | Ge'ez |
Genre(s) | Gospels; Bibles |
Feature(s) | Border(s), Decorative; Canon table(s); Decoration, Full-page; Decoration, Vegetative; Miniature(s) |
Notes |
Shelfmark: National Archives and Library of Ethiopia NL MS 28; Page numbers 32 and 33 given twice |
Bibliography |
Pāwlos Ṣādwā, "Un manoscritto etiopico degli evangeli," Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 11 (1952): 9-28; Catalogue of the Ethiopian Manuscripts in the National Library of Ethiopia (1962); Jules Leroy, Stephen Wright, and Otto A. Jäger, Ethiopia: Illuminated Manuscripts (1961); Koptische Kunst. Christentum am Nil. 3. Mai bis 15. August 1963 in Villa Hügel, Essen (1963), 423-424 and color plate 15; Catalogue of Manuscripts Microfilmed by the UNESCO Mobile Microfilm Unit in Addis Ababa and Gojjam Province (1970); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice: The Synoptic Gospels. General Introduction - Edition of the Gospel of Mark, in Äthiopistische Forschungen 27 (1989); Rochus Zuurmond, Novum Testamentum Aethiopice. Part III: The Gospel of Matthew, in Aethiopistische Forschungen 55 (2001); Michael G. Wechsler, Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum, in CSCO 617 (2005) |
Ext. Bibliography |
William F. Macomber, "Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts... from microfilms in the collection of Dr. Donald Davies...," (unpublished manuscript, 1979), 73-74 |
Ext. Bibliography |
Madeleine Schneider, "Deux actes de donation en arabe," Annales d'Éthiopie 8 (1970): 79-87 |
Alt. Surrogate | UNESCO 2-28 |
HMML Proj. Num. |
SEP DAVIES 00003 |
Permanent Link | https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/833050 |
Processed By | HMML |
Acknowledgments | Photographed by Donald Davies in National Archives and Library of Ethiopia as National Library Gospels; Cataloged by William F. Macomber; metadata added by Jeremy R. Brown |
Surrogate Format | Scanned Microform |
Access Restrictions | Unregistered or order a digital copy |
Rights | http://www.vhmml.org/terms |
Type of Record | Manuscript |
Extent | 650 page(s) |
Foliation | Paginated in Ethiopic numerals |
Binding |
Wood boards |
Binding Dimensions | 29.5 x 20.5 cm |
Provenance |
Copied for ክርስቶስ ፡ ተስፋነ, abbot of Ḥayq Esṭifānos, fol. 16v, 259v (not visible on microfilm); Note from the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia, dated 30 Maggābit 1938 EC (8 April 1946 CE), that the manuscript was brought from Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery by alaqā ḥaraga ወይን ፡ በየነ, fol. 327v; Note from the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia, dated 1 Miyāzyā 1938 EC (9 April 1946 CE), that the manuscript was brought from the monastery of Ḥayq Esṭifānos by alaqā ḥaraga ወይን ፡ በየነ, fol. 327r; Accessioned by the National Library of Ethiopia in 1946 CE |
Type | Manuscript |
Part Location | pages 1-650 |
Place of Origin | Ethiopia, Wallo Province |
Century(ies) | 14th century |
Year Range | 1300-1340 |
Support | Parchment |
Support Dimensions | 30 x 20.5 cm |
Page Layout | 2 columns, 22-25 lines per page |
Writing System | Ethiopic |
Script(s) | Fidäl |
Decoration |
21 full-page miniatures: Tempietto, page 27; Abbots Gabra Ṣeyon, Iyasus Mo'a, (Za-)Iyasus, and Krestos Tasfāna, page 32; Presentation of Mary in the Temple, page 33; Annunciation to Mary and of how Joseph made Mary drink the bitter water, page 32 bis; Nativity of Jesus and of the shepherds seeing the star, page 33 bis; Magi approaching Jesus with the angel of God, page 34; Flight of the holy family to Egypt, page 35; Massacre of the innocents, page 36; Journey of the holy family in Egypt and of the baptism of Jesus, page 37; Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, page 38; Zaccheus in the tree and of those who went up to the roof of the Temple, page 39; Peter's denial, page 40; Arrest of Jesus, fol. 41; Crucifixion, page 42; Burial of Jesus, page 43; Resurrection of Jesus, page 44; Ascension of Jesus, page 45; Matthew the Evangelist, page 48; Mark the Evangelist, page, 236; Luke the Evangelist, page 340; John the Evangelist, page 516; |
Notes |
Texts in secondary hands: Land donation by aqābē sa'āt ሕዝበ ፡ ጽዮን for the commemoration of his father dated 7 Bashans 1091 AM (2 May 1375 CE), in Arabic, page 28; Donation of land by aqābē sa'āt ነገደ ፡ ክርስቶስ for his commemoration, page 31; Hymn to Iyasus Mo'a, ሰላም ፡ ለከ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ሞአ ፡ አቡነ ፡ ማኅደረ ፡ መንፈስ ፡ ቅዱስ..., page 67-72; Poem on Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery, page 73; Restoration by aqābē sa'āt ሚካኤል of a land grant to አበስኪሮን made by aqābē sa'āt ተክለ ፡ ኢየሱስ ፡ ሞአ, page 234; Land donation to Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery by ደመ ፡ ወልድ, page 512; restoration of land to ማርያም by aqābē sa'āt ዮሐንስ dated 17 Ḫedār in the 2nd year of mercy (13 November 1349 CE), page 513; Agreement for payments to Ḥayq Esṭifānos Monastery for use of lands dated 7132 AM (1639/1640 CE), pages 514-515; Land donation by aqābē sa'āt ዮሐንስ for the commemoration of his father dated to the 6th year of mercy (1353/4 CE), page 515 |
Item Location | pages 17-649 |
Title | Gospels |
Uniform Title |
Bible. Gospels
![]() |
Language(s) | Ge'ez |
Contents Detail |
Letter of Eusebius to Carpianus, pages 17-19; Eusebian canons, pages 20-26; Synoptic presentation concerning the agreement of the four Gospels, pages 29-31; Chapters of Matthew, pages 46-47; Matthew, pages 49-234; Chapters of Mark, pages 234-235; Mark, pages 237-337; Chapters of Luke, pages 337-339; Luke, pages 341-512; Chapters of John, pages 514; John, pages 517-649 |
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